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Everything posted by bressie

  1. Hi, I would just like to remind anyone considering going to the Ailesbury hair clinic in Dublin (ailesbury clinic) to stay away from it, the so called "doctor John" who has the audacity to even call himself a doctor is nothing more than a butcher in my opinion! these people are only interested in ripping you off it is an absolute disgrace what they do to people, the fue procedure is simply not what they make it out to be it is painfull and it is noticable as the hair's taken from the doner area are to coarse to placed in the recepient area and looks ridiculous all because of the butcher doctor john!! All this time later i'm still no better off if anything i'm worse off all because of my mistake going to the ailesbury clinic so do yourself a favour and AVOID these people and this farce of a so called hair clinic!!!
  2. I can't believe that someone is actually recommending the ailesbury clinic dublin, I don't know dr. Kiely but by the sound's of it to me the ailesbury clinic is absolutely no different, I had a procedure with the ailesbury clinic and got butchered by the doctor mentioned above and which i later found out after the procedure he worked for a greek company before ( can't mention the name of the company on this forum anymore for some reason but do your research and you'll know which one!) the ailesbury clinic ruined my life and self confidence do not trust these people do your research and don't make the mistake i did!!
  3. I would advise anyone considering going to the ailesbury hair clinic Dublin to stay well clear, do not waste your money it's all they are interested in, I had a procedure with them and regret it to this day, the result's are not natural looking as they couldn't care less what you look like once they get you in and you pay them that's it! the whole set up is a complete joke a clinic operating underneath a block of flats speaks volume's! I panicked when i started to loose my hair done a little research and decided to go to Ailesbury I was wrong but it's to late for me now, just hope this helps other's not to believe the lie's and not to put your trust in these people and also not to get ripped off like i did!!!
  4. I had a procedure with the Ailesbury hair clinic and would advise anyone to stay away from them they are just interested in your money and ripping you off. The results you get from the few hair's that do grow are far from natural looking as the hair's removed from the donor area are to coarse!! plus the hair from the donor area has grown back in patches where to much hair has been removed from one area! I wouldn't bother putting your trust in these people, in hindsight the whole set up at the Ailesbury hair clinic is a complete farce once they have your money that's the last you will hear from them and if you ask me it's all they are interested in! I later found out that the doctor worked for another company which hasn't got a very good reputation but at that stage it was to late for me, I just hope this will help others decide and not to make the same mistake i did.
  5. I'm new to this forum and just thought i should let you know to stay well clear of the ailesbury hair clinic, don't waste your time our your money they are a complete ripp off, i had a procedure with them a while back so don't make the same mistake i did! if you ask me they are a bunch of butchers who just want your money and interested in nothing else, as for the results believe me they are far from natural looking! plus the doner site is a complete mess as the hair has grown back in patches where obviously there was to much hair taken from the one area!! hope this helps and good luck.
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