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Posts posted by andy_+_+

  1. Finally a FUE doctor defended the procedure.


    Congratulations to Dr.Lupanzulas for posting his detailed response/rebuttal.


    The forum members can now see that there is two sides of this conversation and presented/debated by two good doctors.


    More FUE doctors and FUE/FUT doctors should be sharing their thoughts on this subject no matter if their FUE, FUT or a FUE/FUT clinic.

  2. Interesting about the doctors statements on your previous work. There has been a few claims to unevenness in the hairline or gaps.


    Good to know that you liked Dr.Dieps bedside manner. There has been previous posters saying it wasn't great but their results were great.


    Looks like this will fill in nicely for you.

  3. Where in Canada are you located...even though travel shouldn't be a big factor in deciding a doctor.


    Being in Canada there is only 2 doctors to choose from is Hasson and Wong and Dr.Rahal(both for FUT).


    I would also not let Dr.Hakan...way too many negative reviews.


    If you decide to go the Turkey route and FUE Dr.Koray should be the guy. More of a well oiled factory but the results are always strong.

  4. Spanker, GasThoeroer, Andy, Spidey, HairLostYears, David, Home1212, Triple7, HTsoon, Thanks for all the comments!


    GasThoeroer: His loss is MPB and not DUPA. His donor hair was quite good and not showing of any signs of weakness that would prevent a procedure. His sides may continue to drop a bit without medication but the permanent donor zone was easily identified and deemed sufficient.


    Andy/Spanker: Thanks for the recognition on the documentation/pics.


    Andy: Unfortunately I did not take these pics, I usually can elicit a smile when I do. He is quite happy even though the pics would not show it! I have attached another pic, slight smile? How’s that? :)


    HairLostYears: I see the Rivers Cuomo!


    Apollo89/mosd: These photos depict only the first surgery result of 7264 grafts. The 2721 grafts for the crown were placed after these photos were taken.


    Home1212: Don’t have any scar shots but can probably get some at some stage.


    HTsoon: I have also uploaded a post-op shot of the placement for the 2nd procedure of 2712 grafts.






    I'll take that smile... Looks like he was giving it his all.


    Either way a great result and cant wait to see how the crown comes in.


    If this was a FUE procedure how many grafts do you think he would have been able to get?

  5. Yes it would be great if someone like Erdogan would input on this thread but that aint gonna happen ,and yes Dr feller does have strong convictions I've always liked his zeal and obvious

    passion for his work, I would have no problem going to him for a hair transplant as I feel he would tell me how it was and not give me any BS, in saying that he does bring out the worst in people with the tone he uses.

    One FUE Doc did enter the previous FUE/FUSS debate but he was on a hiding to nothing with the way he approached it.

    As there are recommended Docs on here who use techs/nurses for the surgical aspects of transplants, maybe some updating regarding this matter from the moderators on this site is in order.


    It would be nice to be able to click on Dr.Cooleys profile and there are stats:




    • Started performing FUE in 2014
    • Doctor does this - 1 , 2 and 3
    • Techs or nurses do x%
    • x% of all surgeries are FUE
    • Manual punch
    • Average case
    • Ethnicity ratio



    • started performing FUT in 1999
    • type of scar closure
    • How many techs and their experience
    • Average case
    • Philosophy on mega sessions

    We recommend Acell for all procedures etc.


    *All above statements are for arguments sake*


    I've found that there are people who come on here and it is awakening. This site is great but they see 1 or 2 good results and jump right into. One poster really comes to mind in the last 2 days or so!


    Again this is the best site for research and information and its not even close.



  6. Would love to hear from a FUE doctor who uses techs and or doesn't perform FUT.


    If I ran a business and a competitor said that my product was inferior I would be sticking up for my product or service rendered.


    Would also like to hear from a doctor who uses the ARTAS machine.


    Most doctors that are world renowned on this forum do manual FUE and have pretty much said the machine isn't at all adequate for their standards.


    Even the people that don't agree with Dr.Feller at least he's got his strong convictions and will stand up for what he believes.


    Whether you agree or disagree on the way he delivers his message.

  7. I can't speak for what other people say or why they say it. Nor does it matter. The facts are the facts. FUE causes more trauma to the grafts and therefore do not grow as well as their FUT counterparts.


    Dr. Hasson firmly understands this and has always agreed with this reality. If he has changed his position on this he certainly never shared his reasons with me or anyone else that I know of. It would be nice if he shared his revelations with the public. That would make for a great forum topic.


    What I do reject is the reasoning that because Dr. Hasson (or anyone else) is an excellent and world class leader in FUT that this somehow makes him an expert on FUE. It doesn't.


    Nor did Dr. Hasson or Doug make this claim for themselves. The inference was entirely made up by anonymous online lay posters.



    I never said Dr.Hasson was an expert in FUE. And the inference that was made by Doug was the survival rate was similar but in that same example he said the patient would have more grafts in a lifetime if he went FUT.


    Dr. Feller, questions don't mean I disagree with you. I would strip and then FUE at the end.


    I'm not attacking you so not sure why you are so hostile.

  8. Spex is a showcase for me but I do not own him. He may express any opinions he wishes to, even if they are the opposite of mine, or are dead wrong. If everyone knows the beautiful head of hair he now possess came out of my clinic, that's good enough for me.


    Our relationship changed a few years ago when he decided to make a business out representing multiple doctors. He is a non-medical layman like the rest of you and his views and positions are not necessary correct nor can he be held legally accountable for them as he is not a qualified medical doctor. Many things make sense until you learn more and get the bigger picture. Then they stop making sense. Like FUE.


    If you want a qualified opinion of the ARTAS you should look to doctors like myself, not laymen. Personally, I find that machine to be pointless. There is nothing I would welcome more than an ARTAS - using doctor to come onto this chat forum and debate me about its efficacy and usefulness. I know when comparing results I and my FUT megasession colleagues would wipe the floor with them.


    Or how about the ARTAS company itself. Perhaps they can tell me why every doctor I know who has purchased their machine chooses not to use them. Let's use some commons sense here. If that machine really worked, wouldn't I buy five of them and do five surgeries at the same time and make a fortune ?


    Until Spex started working for another doctor his views on FUE paralleled mine. Then, overnight, they changed. Perhaps you should be asking him how he reconciles this instead of me.


    Andy, you refer to FUE and FUT as "philosophies" . They are not. They are two different real world procedures not abstract viewpoints, and one (FUE) is being applied inappropriately all too often.



    I never once said that I think ARTAS the company or the machine is good. I'm not sure where that came from.


    I know and most people know on this forum that most ARTAS machines that are owned by respected clinics are collecting dust.


    All I was trying to say was if you have someone that supports your clinic or gets paid by your clinic saying that ARTAS is the gold standard doesn't that just go against everything your clinic stands for.


    Philosophy might have been the wrong word but I believe Doug from Hasson and Wong has said that FUE and FUT yields are very similar now a days.


    This is one of the best FUT clinics with an outstanding reputation promoting FUE.


    Are they wrong? A lot of people on this forum turn to Hasson and Wong for advice, surgery and perspective.


    Again I'm not attacking you , I'm just asking questions to become better informed like most people on this forum.

  9. Dr.Feller,


    I understand obviously that you have big doubts about FUE and believe that FUT is the gold standard.


    Your affiliated with SPEX who seems to be a good guy and almost all of what he says make sense to me.


    The only thing he has ever said is that Artas is the gold standard...paraphrasing.


    He also represents another doctor who is a renowned FUE doctor.


    If he thinks these things about FUE and promotes FUE wouldn't there be a disconnect in your philosophies? I might misunderstand the business relationship.


    Again I'm not trying to tarnish or attack anyone just asking since there seems to be a few reps. that are with multiple clinics that have different philosophies.

  10. Andy,


    I wouldn't speculate. You'd have to ask them. Better yet, ask them to join the discussion here. It would be great to get multiple doctors discussing. I'd happily participate.


    I believe in both procedures and depend to believe there are many factors to a great result.


    The one other thing I would say is when ever Dr.Feller debates FUE VS. FUT I've only ever seen one doctor come out and defend FUE.... I find this interesting.

  11. A question for the doctors commenting.


    Why would Hasson and Wong start doing FUE and claim that their transection rates are on par with FUT.


    Their world renowned for FUT and one of the most respected clinics in the world.


    Why not stay just doing FUT...Other than the obvious make more money.

  12. Interesting that Dr Feller mentions that it is required on HRN that surgeons post one case a month. I'm pretty sure that there are recommended surgeons that don't do this.


    Bang on Mav23100gunter - This is a great site with great doctors but some of the doctors NEVER post online results.

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