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Posts posted by ajax5050

  1. I have had FUT but didn't have enough donor hairs with my "patch" that was taken out. I managed about 1100 graphs and this was about 8 years ago when I was 28. I still had hair on top but the only thing my HT did was make a 3/4 inch wide hairline. I had enough overall hair to get bsic coverage back then but now it has gotten more thin and that "hair line" I basically had transplanted is almost visable now. my scar from it isn't that bad and hasn't really been noticed by anybody nor has my TP hair.


    I am new to this site and the first I heard of FUE I'm also wondering if it's a possibility for me.


    And mirza7 my advice is to get multuple opinions because when I got my HT done the doctors never told me that all I would be getting was a "hairline" because my donor hair wasn't dense enough. If I knew that I would not have done what I did. Because now I can't shave it because I have a scar on the back but yet also have a dense hairline compared to the rest of my thinning hair so it would look stupid and would be noticeable.


    Any advice would be appreciated as well.

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