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Everything posted by jenkins

  1. Hey, I'm 17 almost 18 and I'm very scared. I've always had a really big forehead but never took notice of my hairline until around 4 months ago. There appear to be a lot of finer hairs. I've always had a thick head of hair and I'm not sure if the hairs have always been there. So my question is is it normal to have some finer hairs at the hairline? My hairline still looks pretty good it just has some thinner hairs towards the end. I've tried looking up on the internet to see if that is normal but I just can't find anything. My hair has always been pretty long. I also have not noticed any shedding. I'm not comfortable posting pictures so if i haven't explained it well enough just say so. Just fyi my mother's side has no history of balding whatsoever and my fathers side has pretty much none my father has no hair loss. I'm just so scared. All I can think about all day long is my hair and its getting absurd. I'm constantly running my hands through my hairline to check and see how it's doing. I cannot keep going on like this. My hair is a huge part of my identity.
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