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John R

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Everything posted by John R

  1. Yes.. I am using very vigorus massage in the shower. I have been photographing daily and VERY slowly the size of these is diminishing. However I am very worried. Besides the obvious reasons, I would hate to lose all the grafts in those areas. Which leads me back to original post of information of what damage this can cause to these grafts. If I cant get into a Dr. today maybe a Dermatology doctor? I found a Dr. Samuels in my area. Trying to get in to see someone on short notice is a pain in the ass. Hair&Cosmetic Dermatology Center Thanks again for all thoughts
  2. Post-op was the next day 12/02/11 with a wash and exam. 3 days of showering by just pouring cups of water over the area, then light/full contact with shower head after that. I will try to get an appointment today with another a Dr. (not much local here) Right now they advise 30 min warm wash cloth soak prior to shower, hibiclense wash, shampoo wash and blow dry. I am doing this 3 times a day. I am also on an antibiotic now. Just want to thank everyone for posting. This is my full time nightmare right now.
  3. No one is St.Louis that I can find What are the effects on the grafts under all that crap. Thanks...Im sure you know I am feeling right now.
  4. I live in the St.Louis area The Hibiclens is a antimicrobial skin cleaner
  5. Im using Hibiclense, then a medicated shampoo 3 times a day. I have been going back every back every 4-5 days. My main concern is the possible loss of grafts under that area. PAI Medical (yea...I know)
  6. I just wanted some thoughts. This picture is day 14 post-op. I am showering 3 times a day. Will I lose the grafts under all that. Very worried! Thanks
  7. New here and read all the PAI posts I could find. Just left PAI yesterday and wanted to hear from any actual patients. Thank you John
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