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Everything posted by josh333

  1. Thanks for the replies, looks like antibiotics won't be a consideration
  2. Spirall08, We seem to be in similar situations. I just had my second HT five weeks ago after my first one 7 years ago which was for my hairline. I had a little more hair then you have now (before the 2nd HT) and transplanted around the front and crown area. Although there was some shock loss it was not so bad and I feel I would have been at this point in another year or two anyway if I did nothing. I never heard a that a 2nd procedure would have less yield, I hope not at this point.
  3. Hello, I'm 5 weeks post op from my HT. I understand the pimples will occur between two and four months and can look fairly bad. My question is has anybody taken antibiotics during this time to seemingly bypass this phase? Thanks for the replies
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