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Everything posted by uksailor

  1. Hi all, Just going through a concerned phase, I'm 3 months post op and not one sign of growth, I know I might just be a late grower. My biggest worry is I keep having like hard white tissue/follicle like bits falling out my head, I've counted 11 now over the last 2 months, i started at about 6 weeks, I healed quickly after surgery and didn't touch my head til day 10 so was extra cautious and even then that was very light massaging, so I KNOW THE GRAFTS ARE SECURE AT THIS POINT. I keep thinking its the grafts falling out now, at 3 months but how can it be when they are secure in my head?? It starts in a sore area then it raises after a week or so, then i can feel like hard point in my head and then few days later it falls out, It looks tooth like shaped, some with hair in, some without? I have taken a photo. Im just worried its the graft getting rejected, can some one please reassure me or tell me what it is? as I wasn't told this was part of process and on my previous HT op it never happend. I can feel atleast another 5 in my head waiting to come out :-(((( I remember seeing the follicles in my OP and I'm sure they looked more like grains of rice and not like what I'm seeing, so if it's not a follicle what is it? and it's not dry skin/dandruff! Many thanks all.
  2. Posted some photos, :-) feel free to view.
  3. uksailor

    From the album: shedding

  4. uksailor


  5. uksailor

    Some pre and post pics

    Photos before seeing Dr feller and some post op.
  6. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  7. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  8. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  9. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  10. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  11. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  12. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  13. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  14. uksailor

    From the album: Some pre and post pics

  15. Thanks everyone, I will upload my pics once transferred them across from my mobile phone, also in due course as Spex said.... Dr Feller's Pre and Post pics will be uploaded.
  16. Thanks everyone :-) I have some pics I have taken on my phone, just need to transfer them across, and as spex said in due course will get the pre and post pics from Dr Feller.
  17. I had surgery back in 2007 with Dr rogers in the UK (1500) strip into the hairline, although was an improvement and helped disguise my balding more it wasn't the full result I wanted, 5 years on after much more research (silent viewer on here) and saving I Booked my Surgery on 8 october 2012 to see Dr Feller after meeting up with Spex around June time. I Flew from London Heathrow on the 4th to JFK and did 3 days in Manhattan, very surreal being there on my own!! but was amazing, stayed in times square and did all the sightseeing, always wanted to visit New York so coincided a 3 day trip there with my surgery at the end. After an amazing and tiring flight and 3 days of walking about manhattan I got the train to Great neck Long Island from Penn station-Manhattan, Train was about 45mins on the sunday morning, giving me a day to rest and chill before my surgery on the Monday morning. I stayed in Great neck Inn, Lovely hotel!!! So.......the day I have been longing for had arrived! I was very tired as really didn't have much sleep due to nerves and excitement. I had pre- booked a taxi so I arrived on time.... ironically the taxi driver got lost!! even though he claimed to have lived in great neck all his life!!! so arrived about 15mins late, and met Dr feller upstairs in his office. Was very surreal to see the great man himself after researching his work for so many years! We sat down talked over my hairline, I wanted it lower but after he explained to me it wouldn't look natural when I was alot older and don't want to use all your grafts on your hairline as need coverage working back once hairline is set. So that agreed and hairline drawn on, paperwork filled out.... I was taken into surgery room and my head was shaved by one of nurses on back where donor area is and on top for all the tiny incisions that was going to take place. The injections were then given by Dr Feller, ouch!! first few are most painful then head starts to numb so don't feel the others, I was also given a tablet to calm me down, I was talking so much due to nerves and excitement, I was left for 20 minutes whilst the numbness took its toll for the donor area, by this time I had calmed down. It was more excitement than nerves, having been through the whole process before 5 years earlier, it makes it alot easier as you know the routine. Dr Feller came back in, checked I was numb (head feels very heavy now its numb, almost like you cant hold it on you shoulders!) and then took the donor strip and stapled me back up. took about an hour. The strip is then taken away and techs get to work getting the grafts, Dr feller then Injected me round my head to numb site where incision were going to be made, Once head was numb Dr feller did his magic, firstly constructing my new hairline and working his way back. I nodded in and out of sleep. once incisions were made I then stopped for half hour for lunch. The nurses then took in turns (2 at a time) to place the grafts. Dr feller coming in every so often to check I was ok and the work taking place. I slept most of it! great radio station on! smooth rock ballads!! Once all graft were placed, Dr Feller said he could go further back as had few hundred more grafts left....bonus!!! so he shaved further back placed more holes and the nurses then came to place the extra grafts. Surgery was Complete at 4pm and Started about 8, so was a very long tiring day, as you hardly move, apart from toilet break and lunch. although without contradicting myself it goes fairly quick! Dr Feller is a very professional genuine guy! great sense of humour too!! and his team are very friendly with huge professionalism, Was a great experience I wish I had gone there On my first surgery, the grafts are dense packed, hairline is strong and get alot more grafts in one session, although my first surgery just contributed towards this one and Dr feller just filled between grafts I had on first surgery. So all in all I had 1500 grafts with Dr rogers in 2007 and 2890 with Dr Feller totalling 4390 grafts. Once surgery was complete I was taken through post op procedure, Dr Feller had a chat with me about my day gave me painkillers and his personal Cell number for if I had any problems. I then shook his hand thanked him for his work then got a taxi to my hotel,. Once back at hotel I just rested, slept upright, and next day flew back to UK hiding under my baseball cap! Didn't like taking my hat off at passport security! got some funny looks!!! Spent next 10 days following post op procedure and recovering and hiding! swelling went down on day 4, had a few sleepless nights due to pain in donor area, but everyone's different! my head just didn't want to give me a rest! got my staples taken out day 11 at my local walk in centre, very painful! but I think it was the nurse doing it!! Grafts shed about day 18! it was 3 weeks ago today I got the procedure done. I'm now going through ugly duckling stage sporting a buzzcut as I clipped my head (day 14) so sides match top! my now grafts shed I just look fairly thin again! But it can only get better! should be about mid Jan I see new growth! My hair is obviously growing back in mean time, I was never bald bald just thinning and receding. I hope this gives anyone a insight to my experience. I will post photo's in due course! :-)
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