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Everything posted by supermanvs

  1. Hi All, I recently had an on-line consultation with Dr. Feriduni and he suggested I start taking Propecia/Finasteride for 1 year before considering a hair transplant to stabilise any future loss. My question(s) is, I'm slightly concerned with taking something which messes with your hormones particularly testosterone and have read many horror stories on-line even after stopping the medication (BBC/Guardian newspapers). I guess I was wondering if any one has had any adverse side-effects? I know that Merck say only 2% will have adverse side effects and they will go away after stopping taking the pill but I wanted to hear from people that are using it? Thanks everyone .
  2. Hi All, Just a bit of an update. I had an on-line consultation with Dr. Feriduni and was told that at the moment he would NOT recommend having a hair transplant as I probably will lose more hair over the next few years. He suggested I take Propecia, which I don't want to take due to side affects and I don't particularly feel comfortable messing around with my hormones. Any suggestions/ideas would be great . Thanks
  3. Hi Michael, I haven't had my on-line consultation yet, but I hope to have it soon . Thanks
  4. Hi All, Thanks for all your replies! Rob - Could you send me some photos of the work he done on you please (before and after)? And has Dr Eser done a lot of work with FUE? Also, how much did you pay? Also, has anyone else had work done from the people mentioned, how many grafts did they get and how much did they/you pay? Thanks alot!
  5. Hi All, I'm a first time poster but long time reader and have decided to take the plunge and get a hair transplant (FUE only as I scar easily). I have a family history of MPB and have been thinning (crown and frontal) since my early twenties and I'm nearly 28 and have lost quite a lot in the last year or so. I'm using rogaine (for about two/three years) and but my hair is still falling out. I'm hoping to get about 1000 grafts put it first and then possibly have another treatment a few years after that? I have about ?5000 (I know its not a lot) and I would like some advice on who to see (preferably in Europe)? I know Farjo's name has popped up quite a few times (he charges approx. ?5000 for 1000 grafts) and I was thinking of seeing Bijan Feriduni in Belgium but don't know if I have enough cash or if he is good?. Thanks for reading and any advice would be great!
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