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Posts posted by msh89

  1. without seeing the pictures, the term "dramatic increase in hair growth" gets me really excited! with nothing to lose except more hair, i think i will give this a try!


    i am hesitant on buying dutasteride off of the internet though. has anyone had any luck getting it prescribed by their doctor for hair loss? when i asked mine (two years ago), she seemed offended i would even ask :/

  2. yup! do it. if you are 100% positive you want to get a HT, feel like you found the right doctor, and money is not an issue, what is there to hold you back? just think the sooner you get this done, the faster you can get to growing your new hair :) also, at a discount. i am crossing my fingers i find myself in a similar situation. just anticipate some down time for recovery and go for it!

  3. i'm a big fan of dermmatch, if you're not already using it, i recommend you try it out. it takes a while to figure out how to apply it so it works with your situation, but just take a hand mirror and an afternoon and play around with it. however, i don't think it would be a good idea to apply dermmatch within the first few weeks, maybe even a little longer, should ask your doctor. i would definitely take those two weeks off, start taking biotin, and catch up on some tv/movies. also, don't be embarrassed if your roommate finds out, or for that matter anyone else. you're taking steps to improve your life, nothing to be ashamed about :)


    if you do try dermmatch, i'd recommend getting two different color disks in case you have to mix. the medium brown has a red tint to it, and the dark brown has a grey tint to it. things i didn't know until i was at work and only the top of my head was a little red :( also, i've had better luck with a moist makeup sponge than i did with the small applicator wands that come with it.

  4. finasteride is always recommended first to stop any hairloss and maybe even help with regrowth. i'm only 23 and i started finasteride when i was about 20. even though i take other medications for other things, i don't think i've had any noticeable negative side effects. maybe a decrease in libido, but i don't really want to be thinking about sex 24/7 so i'm okay with that :) . when the time comes, i have no problems. i heard that arginine can help combat this issue.


    as far as the foam goes, i am not a fan purely because of the extra stuff the put in it. i switched from the kirkland signature 5% minoxidil solution to the foam for convenience, and after about a week or so of using it, my eyes became really red and irritated. my friend did some research and asked me if i had started using any new hair products, because some of the foaming ones can contribute to irritated eyes. whether or not this is true, i returned the foam and went back on the solution. moral of the story is check the ingredients of the solution vs. the foam and ask yourself if the convenience is worth it compared to all the extra stuff you're putting on your head. one that stood out to me was "BUTANE".


    for the dandruff problem, i'd say get some nizoral 1% and a good conditioner. use the conditioner daily, but use the nizoral only every three days.


    also, patiences! and don't expect miracles. there is no sure-shot way to fix hair problems unfortunately, just theories, potions and test results.

  5. i didn't exactly understand what diffuse thinning was until i just googled it, and came across a few pages with people in the same boat with others making suggestions. a little research goes a long way!


    otherwise, it just depends on your case i guess. if you don't think you're losing anymore hair, and can afford the surgery, it wouldn't hurt to go get a consultation from a doctor or even a clinic representative. they could give you a good answer and maybe even put you through a scalp miniaturization test (i think thats what its called).


    i thought i knew a good chunk of info, but then i went in for a consultation with a rep and he shed some light on things i didn't know and things i was misinformed about. plus it was free, but i think if you go to the actual doctor you have to pay for his time, not sure.

  6. thanks for all the responses!


    just to address a few things. no i'm not in the military, i decided to buzz my hair down at the beginning of summer. in fact, this is the shortest its been since i was probably 10. i'd prefer to wear my hair longer so making that commitment is no problem. before shaved, i'd say my hair was about 2-3 inches long on top and about half an inch on the sides/back to compensate for density difference. i was getting by with courve and toppik and then spraying the crap out of my hair with hairspray. i didn't discover dermmatch until i had buzzed my hair off. i feel like i could do wonderful things with longer hair/a little more density and some dermmatch.


    unfortunately i can't get passed that awkward stage to the point where my hair is longer/more pliable and thus more easy to style over any thinning spots. right in the middle of my crown, there is a strip of evenly thinning hair, then right to each side of it is a spot where theres weaker hair/peach fuzz. it makes it a hell of a lot more difficult to put dermmatch on and not have it look weird. boitin helps things grow faster, but even after a long weekend i couldn't get that growth quick enough.


    and im only 23, and understand that things could get worse. my dad is completely bald and started losing his hair around the same age i did. the only difference is i started finasteride two years ago once i noticed it was becoming a problem. aside from maybe my hairline receding a tiny bit more, i dont think i've had any additional loss. this is seriously ruining my life and even effecting my personality. i really just want to enjoy these years while i can without worrying if anyone notices the makeup on my head, and cross my fingers that there will be a medical breakthrough when/if i'm back in this boat again.


    my other option was to keep it short, get some SMP so i don't have to use dermmatch, and then save up for a HT. less favorable than racking up debt and getting a HT now, but much more favorable than where i'm at right now. i posted in the SMP forums so i won't get into it here.


    ahhh long post! sorry for the excessive venting

  7. i've finally started taking the steps to move towards getting a HT. picked a doctor (Hasson&Wong), went for a consultation with a rep, said my donor area looked good, and then kind of threw out a bunch of numbers, but ultimately he said 4000 grafts and i'd be sittin' pretty for years to come. have a chance here in january/february to take a month off of work so the timing is perfect.


    unfortunately, i over-shot my budget and have less than i thought i could get. at this point, i'd have to rack up some hefty debt to get a respectable amount of grafts, but weighing the horrible emotional burden this is causing me vs. having to pay off the debt (completely doable no problems), i am more than willing to embark on this journey. however, if it's not even going to make that much of a difference vs. 10k or so in credit card debt, i would have to force myself to wait.


    he had some pics sent to the doctors for a second opinion, but in the mean time i wanted to get some opinions or see if anyone has been in a similiar situation.


    any input on a minimum amount of grafts that would be beneficial? in order of importance, it would be 1. crown 2. middle forelock 3. corners of hairline slightly (optional)


    and yup, on finasteride, using minoxidil in the morning, just started shampooing with nizoral every three days, otherwise use revivogen. really heathy, too.


    sorry for crappy pictures! best camera i have is my macbook :eek: taken under different lighting and a few different angles to show regular short hair vs thinning hair









  8. Glad you were able to look them over. Would you be willing to consult with NHI? I'm not sure where you live, but it may be worth traveling to have a SMP procedure with a trusted organization (like Dr. Rassman and NHI).


    i live in WA, so i would have to take a flight or a very long drive. even so, they say the procedure would have to be done 2-3 times over a period of time, so heading to LA even more than once is pretty unrealistic with my schedule unfortunately.


    i dont like the hairlines for HIS but i don't intent on them creating me a new one, just filling in what i have with density. otherwise, the rest of their pictures look pretty good.

  9. i was looking at HIS hair clinic because one opened downtown recently and also they offer removal if i end up not being satisfied, so that's always a good fallback! gonna try to schedule a consultation soon.


    those pictures look great! granted their hair is much longer. even with a buzzed hair yet not quite shaved, i feel like having that extra look of "density" would be perfect, long as i don't get over zealous and grow my hair out too long.

  10. thanks for the reply!


    i figured since im already using concealers with my short hair, the SMP would act the same way, but permanent and with less of a solid "tint" when hit with certain light. i dread the day i'm without something to cover my head in seattle's rainy weather :eek:


    when i dare let the top grow out a bit (maybe half an inch), part of the crown is uneven but with dermmatch i can pass it by (again, unless light hits it just right). was hoping with SMP i could just blame it on a bad haircut if anyone were to notice.


    my hair is medium brown and i try to keep a good tan going, because it seems to blend everything together better, and who doesn't like being tan? also the "medium brown" dermmatch has a red tint :mad: so having a subtle whole body red tint is helpful.


    and yup, been taking finasteride for years. on and off with the minoxidil, however i've started up about two or so months ago, and i only put it on in the morning as it's too much of a hassle at night.


    just ordered some nizoral 1%, hoping this might help turn the tides a bit.

  11. hi all! first post. long time reader, finally reaching my most desperate hour. struggling to find the funds to afford an HT, so as a backup that would enable me to save money and regain confidence, i'm considering SMP. need some input please!


    my hair has thinned on top noticeably, and on the crown there is two nickel-ish sized spots that is pretty much barren. the front is consistent yet "see-through" if that makes sense, and towrds the middle is pretty much regular density. i've been uncomfortably getting by with dermmatch, and nobody has noticed i dont think, nor does anyone say its super noticeable when i make them check my head for me! but i still feel like i get "the look" :confused:


    question being: with enough hair to get by using dermmatch (hair is shaved probably down to 1/4 of an inch), would it be realistic to get SMP done with good results/blending? also, down the road when i do hopefully get an HT, would having SMP already done complicate the surgery?


    i dont want shave my hair down any more than where it's at, but i think that if i had some pseudo-stubble it would at least give it illusion enough to not have to apply anymore concealers. i'm also trying to avoid that "tint" look, i just need some hefty dots in the right places.



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