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Representative Information

  • Name
    Nicholas Miller
  • Location
  • Years in Hair Transplant Profession
    5 to 7 Years
  • Email Address

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  1. We alway tell patients to expect growth up to a full year because hair grows in cycles. At 5-6 months youll definitely start to see growth but I dfinitely think you shouldnt lose hope untill you hit one year.
  2. I think Propecia has helped my hair loss in the crown and front reverse, i feel like i caught it early enough that it was able to reverse the miniturization process. my question is have any of you guys found a generic version of Propecia that works for you being as Propecia is so exspensive?
  3. I cant speak on behalf of other clinics doctors but I know at nuhart at the ten day marker you can go back to your normal hair maintance routine. That being said if your scalp is dry aloe vera will help and using a good shampoo can also help soften the scalp. If its flaky and has dandruff then Head and Shoulders is good. As far as the Propecia and Saw Palmetto are concerned the two definitely wont hurt each other, some also use Biotin. Using all of these together is fine they wont conflict with one another. Hope this helps Nick
  4. I know exactly what you mean, and that being said use a Rogaine or Propecia and it will slow down for you kinda let the rest of the guys around you catch up
  5. Being only 18 i would recomend that you talk to your dr about Propecia. I personally started using Propecia at about 20 years old, and have been using it everyday since. I have experienced none of the negative effects you hear of. For me it was a lot easier then using a topical solution, and I definitely think that my hair loss has stabilized. The only downside is that Propecia is a little pricey. Let me know if you have any other questions -nick
  6. I work for Nu/Hart Hair Clinics as a surgical tecnician and after an FUE procedure we tell our patients to start shampooing 24 hours from the procedure using no shower pressure. We have them fill up a plastic cup and dilute shampoo in it and to then gently pour it over the grafted area and rinse with warm clean water from the cup. We encourage out patients to do this 2 or 3 times a day. Also note It is normal for scabs and blood to take a few days to come off. If you have any other questions im more than happy to help -Nick
  7. Welcome to our Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Feel free to customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, sharing your treatment regimen, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.

    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.

    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.

    All the Best,

    David (TakingThePlunge) – Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

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