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Everything posted by mridul

  1. DHT and MPB do not always go hand in hand. Most ppl with MPB have normal DHT. So I dont think there's any issue here.
  2. WOW! This is great work. Truly impressive. What impressed me most is the natural looking of hairline. You must be on cloud nine
  3. Dont you think it would be best to let your doctor decide?!! BTW you have still not shared your results ;-)
  4. After carefully reading this thread... one thing is clear to me. Dr. Khanna can transplant as many 'celebrities' as he wish but he is never coming near my head!
  5. Never heard of him. Is this doc a plastic surgeon? As far as I know, you need to earn MCh degree to practice cosmetic surgery, but in India anyone can call himself whatever he wants to... LOL... Dr. Batra has a very bad reputation in hair treatment. You will find many posts in the forum itself. I personally would not go to them. You should try Dr. Madhu in hyderabad or Dr. Radha in Vizag. Both have right training, accreditation and experience. They may be a little more expensive but you will have good results for sure.
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