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Posts posted by AGL77

  1. 12 minutes ago, Shadman said:

    @AGL77 looks good, I think for a small procedure going for a non shave procedure was a correct decision. Who was your surgeon this time ? By the way, did they extract 180 scalp grafts by trimming the lower part of the donor ? 🤔

    Dr. Das again but had a wonderful afternoon hanging out with Dr. Sethi. 

    The scalp donor came from the upper sides where the hair is longer to cover the shaved area. See pic below. When I brush my hair down you don’t notice the shave. So I guess it’s not a fully non-shaved procedure but more of the disguise of one. The only way it can be a fully non-shave procedure is they only use donor from nape or boby.


  2. We went ahead with a small non-shave procedure. 180 scalp and 325 bread. It’s nice to have a small procedure. Much easier to deal with post-op with respect to functioning, sleep and recovery. The non-shave was also nice as I didn’t feel self conscious in public, although not washing your head for a week isn’t fun and makes the hair look thinner. No beard pics but I shaved after 3 days and again a few days later and it’s healed very well. Pre-op pics, post-op and second day after procedure (last 4)

















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  3. 6 months now. I’m hoping for some more growth and coverage 🤞🏼

    I think the bread grafts into my FUT scar has helped.

    I’m headed to Mumbai today for work and have made arrangements to see Dr. Das there. We discussed doing a small procedure in the front which was not touched during the previous HT. The plan is to add some density so not so see through with a little scalp donor but mainly beard as well as adding a few grafts just below the crown where it’s slightly see-through. We’ll see how it goes once we meet. Thanks.












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  4. 5 month photos. I believe things have improved from last my but hopeful for additional improvements throughout. Left temple is a little funky looking compared to the more refined right side. The left was weaker than the right to begin with but more went into that side. One thing that’s a little odd is down the centre of the back of my head there’s a see through section. I had something going on there before surgery but it seems more obvious now.  I’m heading to Mumbai next month for work and hoping to visit the Mumbai office but it’s been challenging this for to coordinate. Wondering if a small procedure to hit some non-transplanted areas like the thin area at the back of my head. Possibly with some beard grafts, or at least a PRP session. I’ll be at 6+ months at that point. Think it’s doable?












  5. 4 months now and things are improving although I didn’t really think so until I looked back to month 3. Still lots of scalp exposed but hoping a lot more is coming in future months. Back of donor looks untouched and sides seem ok as well. I’ve had issues with the sides before because of my FUT scar. Last picture, top corner doesn’t seem to have any growth. Thank you!










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  6. 7 hours ago, Shadman said:

    I think in both cases 12 months gap would be great. For the first scenario, if you give 12 months gap, by that time your donor would be fully recovered for another procedure.

    For the second scenario, if you give 12 months break, you would already get the result by that time. And you can go for another procedure to improve density. 

    I’m going to be in India for work in April so I was thinking of seeing if a small procedure would be possible in my non-transplanted areas. Was hoping to add minimal to the hairline and see if behind it we could use body hair for density. Area isn’t large if you see my post op photos.

  7. 15 hours ago, Steeeve said:

    IMG_2979.thumb.jpeg.ca0669e51765132a27ab60fa556e01ea.jpegYou can really see those hairs sprouting back there. This is extremely promising for only 3 months and I would put money down that you are feeling stubble all throughout your crown.

    Regarding the gaps you’re noticing, your scalp is more than likely recovering from the transplant. Shock loss can occur all throughout the scalp and not just where the grafts were pulled or placed-if I’m telling you anything you already know then my apologies.

    Your mid-scalp was already a bit diffuse from the previous transplant and the grafts placed up there probably shocked them out. That’s more than likely why you’re noticing the gaps up there. Since they were previously transplanted, as opposed to natural, they're probably already reappearing but aren’t long enough for you to notice the thickening that you’re hoping to see. They will probably make a pretty strong comeback, though, especially once the newly transplanted hairs have also grown in and gotten some length on them.

    Following this with interest. All the best!

    Happy growing!

    Thank you Steeeve for the reassuring and positive comments. They are very helpful! 
    I am definitely feeling stubble in the crown as you noted which is a surprise considering it’s my understanding that the crown typically comes in slower.           The area of concern regarding growth is my left temple. Not much happening there. Can’t help wonder is something went wrong during the procedure. The technician implanting on my left seemed to be much more aggressive with implantation or maybe the anesthetic was wearing off. I know it’s too early to worry but I’m sure we all do even knowing that it’s too early. Lots of grafts went into the left and it would hurt to lose them. 

    I see you had your recent HT almost 2 months ago. You’re in one of the toughest months of the process. Stay strong and positive.

    Happy New Year and Best Wishes of Hair Growth!

  8. 3 month photos. Starting to feel like I look more normal. Hard to tell if I have any growth because a lot of the transplant went into preexisting hair zones other than the crown which looks like something may be happening there. Is it true that the crown takes longer to come in like many claim? Wondering if I should get back on minoxidil or not? I was using it once a day pre-surgery and if I was going to go back on it I would still use it once a day. Noticing some gaps in my upper crown that were not noticeable pre-surgery and this area was not transplanted. Wondering if I need another procedure or patients? Everything else around it has come in or is coming in. Any thoughts and opinions are welcome. Thank you 🙏!












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  9. Thank you. If you look up to my October 2nd post has pictures immediately after my procedure which shows the scar and the little implantation done in and around the scar. The blood supply in my scar was not great so Dr. Das didn’t want to implant too much into the scar but more just above it. I read, and don’t know if it’s true, that the more you implant the better for blood flow improvement. I wish she would have been able to implant more, especially in wider spots so unfortunately it’s not what I was hoping for but we’ll see what result come of this, which will be awhile still. 

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