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Everything posted by hairman2012

  1. I am 24 years ol an feel that my hairline is too high. I am consiering a FUE transplant to lower my hairline slightly. I have been in fin and minox now for a year an has maintaine my hairloss. I am looking for some avice/ thought as to if I am at the stage that a hair transplant will assist and if so how many grafts do you feel I woul require. Any thoughts/ experiences on this matter woul be greatly appreciated. I have attache pics below so you can assess my current situation.
  2. Looking for some advice as considering taking this instead of Propecia as is cheaper. Any thoughts/ experiences?
  3. Looking for some avice. I am 24 years old and I have had a receing hairline now for about five years. I now feel that its too far back but I was looking to get avice on what your thoughs are. My pics are below for you opinions. Currently taking Fin once a day. First 4 pics from 2012 the last foru pics from 2005 for comparison. Thanks.
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