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Everything posted by Dwight

  1. It was agonizing for me to decide FUT or FUE. I mean I have a beautiful body. Why screw it up, eh? I went with FUT for the dollar savings. Large difference in expenditure. Studying for my second transplant (I am out about four months) I discovered another point of interest. I have fine thin hair. This is the result of a disproportionatly high percentage of single hairs. Confirmed by the hair surgeon. When she transplanted from the donor strip as FU's this caused a lower density appearance (bearing in mind that there was a lot of scalp to cover) in the recipient area. If she was at top of her game the donor strip could have been dissected into double (triple) FU's. Providing a greater illusion of density. In the old days of plugs these "micrografts" are now considered pass?. However there is a well respected hair surgeon in Canada who achieved great results with "micro grafts". Before Follicular units came into vogue, he would dissect single hairs for the hair line and "micro grafts" for behind the hair line. I inspected his work I.e. looked at transplanted areas. I could not discern anything unnatural. Might a surgeon doing FUT be more inclined to "maximize" the number of grafts "installed" rather than "bunching up" for greater effect? I do not know the answer.
  2. I need to remind myself that I will post for those more advanced hair loss sufferers. Younger folk with "minimal" hair loss - minimal to me - it is a big deal for the sufferer, may not understand how a few twigs can be so much fun. Take care
  3. Thank you for that. I just went upstairs for a pee. Had to look at the stranger in the mirror with hair. It must be very difficult for a person to read my writing and understand the feeling of seeing "no hair" for 30 years. Then voila (or nearly voila) twigs on the barren soul. I'm loving it.
  4. In Canada hockey players rub in cocoa butter to minimize scars. I took it upon myself to rub into the scar, cocoa butter. I think this may have been harmful as it agitated healing tissue. Specifically I was advised to cease the practice which I did. My "complaint" with Hair Transplant Surgeons in general is a facet of Human Nature. Humans act if motivated to act. When a surgeon earns so many dollars in a "few" hours for hair transplant surgery he is less likely to be motivated to help when questions arise for which there is no compensation. Preparing for another hair transplant session next year, I wrote to a well known hair surgeon in California seeking an understanding of transplanting beard hair to scalp. He was not forthcoming. At $8.00 per graft he can earn $20 000 and up per day right now. There is little motivation to help me on a query for a future surgery. Human nature is alive and well. I learned more from this site on various concerns than from most physicians. I am determined to refrain from dealing with surgeons who bloviate and expound "me, me, me", "I am the greatest". I am ranting now. "Calm down Dwight" Take Care
  5. I appreciate your comment on tenderness. After the surgery I thought parts of the scar were infected - a bit. I kept gently cleaning. After your observation (infection) I "tested" the entire length of scar. Most of the scar is "tender-free". There are some areas that yield the tender comment. I will double up on the hair washing. I will post a new topic on rubbing in Cocoa Butter which may have contributed to this "tender problem".
  6. I have had extensive hair loss all my life. When I was 17 my girlfriend said to me "sweetie you are going to be bald". By 30 I was a class 6 or 7 (depending on who was assessing). In my mind there were more important issues than major hair loss. However our society "judges" those with male pattern baldness. I have been the victim of teasing "your forehead goes all the way back" or "put a hat on. the reflection from your scalp hurts my eyes". These are stated without pain. When it became noticeable there was a very thin area "my best friend" would stand over it and stare at the balding area. That was aggravating. The people who mattered to me accepted me as is - as do most healthy people. On this web site there are people who say a Class 6 or Class 7 shouldn't get a transplant. Too much scalp, too little hair. I took the plunge in June 2012. I had 4000 grafts. I need to tell you how pleased I am. It is an acid trip to peer in the mirror and view this strange individual with hair. 4000 grafts frame the face. My son (who unconditionally loves me with or without hair) said "Dad everyone else is getting older and you are getting younger". Again there are so many more important considerations in life. But hey it sure is neat to see a framed face with a forehead that does not go all the way.
  7. I had just over 4000 grafts in June 2012. When can I commence scalp exercises in preparation for another Hair Transplant? The scar is still tender to touch. Scalp exercises stretch the scalp (duh). Hence you do not want to "stretch" the scar. Is the soonest one year after the surgery? Thanks
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