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Everything posted by HairParanoid

  1. Hello there, I just turned 25 and have been scared of hair loss for the past 8 years as my Dad lost his hair when he was in his early 20s. In order to hopefully prevent hair loss I've been using Alpecin C1 shampoo for the past 8 years on a daily basis. I don't know whether it has helped or not. I am quite paranoid about my hair and check it almost daily to make sure that hair loss has not started yet. I am not sure whether my hair line has just begun to recede or not. On the one side of my scalp it looks like it might be the case. I don't know if I am overly paranoid, but I don't want to gamble with my hair and prevent the loss as early as possible. That's why I am thinking about starting to use Rogaine or Lipogaine. However, I am scared that it might actually trigger hair loss if I am not suffering yet. What do you think? Is it possible at all or do you recommend just doing it for the sake of prevention? Thank you, The Paranoid
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