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Everything posted by infinity703

  1. Thanks, I also think the fact that I use retin a on my face for anti-aging is having an impact (i.e. systemic absorption). I have started to not get any minoxidil near my forehead but focusing on the the area before the hairline and back from there. Just started doing this so hopefully it works
  2. Ok, since I posted last I have had a truly unreal surge of growth. I have thick stubble everywhere on the top of my head, even starting to get hair in the norwood 1 region. Not only that, but the hair that didnt shed is ridiculously thick/coarse. I don't even recognize the quality of my hair. I never had small diameter hair, but nothing like this! Unfortunately I seem to be getting body hair growth and extra facial hair growth. I have started to drop down to 1mL over the past few days( I was only doing the recommended before) but am still seeing some slight changes in the body hair. The way I have been applying the foam over the past 2 weeks since my hair got longer has been as follows. Fill half the cap with the foam, submerge in a cup full of hot water, wait for foam to become liquid, take dropper and apply to head. I tried to see if there were any other results like this on the forum but no luck. Anyone else ever see something like this? I am going to post some pics tonight or tomorrow after I borrow a camera. Honestly this is mind blowing. I was over the moon when I saw the stubble, but quickly came back to earth after I saw the increase in body hair Thanks guys!
  3. All over the top scalp. No loss anywhere else on my body. The more I look into it, it look likes anagen Effluvium. Almost all of them don't have a bulb which is not normal for a rogaine shed. I am going to stop, but its quite strange as there is no sign of inflammation or itchiness. Fing rogaine. SHouldn't have messed with a good thing.
  4. Hi everyone, I started using rogaine foam 3 weeks ago to try and thicken things up. I was a SOLID nw2, with only a bit of thinning. I have been on propecia the last 6 years, and have remained the exact same. Since starting rogaine I have lost almost all of my hair. It is absolutely crazy. I am losing even the hair above the occipital bone, the extended crown region. There is no sign of irritation or inflammation. I don't understand this. Should I carry on with using it? I shaved my head 1. 5 weeks ago because it was getting so bad. The hairs that are coming out now are noticeably shorter than the other hairs (even though they are all short since I shaved), but they are thick! Some of them don't have a bulb, some do. Am I having an allergic reaction and my body just isn't letting me know by using inflammation? This is completely crazy. I expected a shed, but to lose my entire crown and the beginning of my extended crown can't be right. The even more bizarre part is that I have barely shed any hairs in the hairline. Would love to hear from others.
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