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  1. hairthere Thank you for your response, finally someone that know where I'm coming from. I am not going to do SMP until I get an unbias review. Until then will I consider it. I have been talking to Good Looks Ink and Hair Simulation out of Atlanta about SMP. It can get a little discourage on these forums sometimes. I just got tired of the B.S. on here. A lot of talk but no action. I started to lose my hair at 20 yrs old. and have been make of fun of that long and I'm tired of it. I want to do something new about my hair. It's not only that I also have acne scars to deal with. Like I said before I have a very beautiful wife. She said she doesn't care, she loves me for me. Honestly it like beauty and the beast. If there is anyone that would like to help me out here I am. thanks for everyones help
  2. hey everyone I need help..... I am desperate, please no gimmicks, no B.S. just the truth. I am 35 and everyone thinks I'm 45. I have had 4 H.T. and still, I'm not pleased. I hate the way my hair looks, I hate the way I look. Everyone makes fun of my hair. I'm almost in depression mode. I have to wear hats everywhere I go. Please if there is anyone out there that has had SMP done please contact me. I want to know if its worth it. Please no one from any of the companies that do SMP. I want an independent person that has got it done. It seems to me alot of people on here work for the companies that do SMP. Which is sad for people like me that what real answers and that are desperate. SMP is not cheap and pictures on the web can be deceiving. I have talk to hishair, GLI, Newhair, hairsimulaiton. No one would put me in contact with a person that has got it done. Why? I'm ugly ass f*#k, for some reason I got a beautiful trophy wife (12 younger and gorgeous) no I'm not rich, two beautiful kids. All I want is to feel good on the inside. Anyway thanks to everyone for your help
  3. Janna, Thank you very much for your response. I would also like to do SMP. I would like to speak to someone and meet someone that has had it done. Thank you again
  4. Does anyone know what happened to "Time to do something"? Did he do the SMP? I'm thinking about getting it done myself? I would like to someone that has got it done? Thanks
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