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Posts posted by Abedogg

  1. Don't quote me on this but I think Feller and Umar have more experience doing FUE in the range of 1000 plus grafts. Not sure that Shapiro does FUE sessions that large.

    It might be a 2 day procedure at both. Umar worked about 12 hours straight and did about 1800 on me in the first day.

    Umar does let you leave your hair long if you pay an extra $1 per graft but it slows him down which means it would probably make it a two day procedure.

    Good luck.

  2. Leeson,


    I was using it directly on the recip area, over the last week I've switched to putting it behind the recip area in hopes to not aggravate the redness any more.


    This is truly the worst part of a transplant. Maybe because of the density of the fue it will remain red longer?



  3. Acrobaz - Thanks! Looks like you will have a great result as well. I've been keeping an eye on your progress, thanks for all the updates.


    Tootall - I'm not using anything. My doc said not to use anything except the minox that he gave us. I'll shoot him an email today and ask again.



  4. Guys,


    I've updated my blog with my 1 month pic.


    I'm not super worried, but I've been browsing the Armani blogs and they worry me to be honest.


    My biggest concern is my sides. The hair is slowly filling in this area but very very slowly. The back filled in very quickly but the area that he harvested from the sides is still noticeably lacking in hair.


    I'd obviously love for the redness to be gone, but I think I have another couple of weeks.



  5. CK - I agree with you.


    If I had a bad result I would be posting all over every board with pictures. Why let someone else make the same mistake that you made. And why let someone that butchered you, continue to make money at others expense?


    I can't believe that he doesn't have pictures of this yet. Wouldn't you at least send some to the doc?


    FUSSFUE, send what pics you have please. If you read these boards you'll understand why we are critical and need to see results. Nothing personal.



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