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Everything posted by tomtom87

  1. UPDATE: 10 YEARS LATER. Bumping to help others out there with deep hairlines. 10 Years ago at aged 25, I thought I was going bald (pic from 10 years ago is my profile picture). Now, 10 years later at age of 35 pictures attached below. Propecia was taken for a year when i was age 25 because i was paranoid, I wish I never touched it. Hope this helps people. I'm still waiting for it to get me, it will get me one day.
  2. A couple days later, hair is not really falling out. i have to run my fingers through a few times to lose 1 hair lol, however they are fine small hairs. Is it possible that the thing i experienced was a shedding cycle? it lasted slowly for about 2 months. However my hairline is about a cm shorted from like a year ago or so. I might have just freaked out i dunno. However because i freaked out i ordred that propecia to be on the same side.. The reason i freak out is because i have no self confidence at all, and losing hair well, would really suck ass and totally kill my confidence.
  3. Thanks for the replies, here is an image of me with my hair to one side. https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/2201307921/ME.jpg
  4. Thanks for the replies, here is an image of me with my hair to one side. https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/2201307921/ME.jpg
  5. I am 25 and my dad is bald, i think i may be going too. I have thik hair all over BUT the front is receeding and is getting thinner, i have a fringe so i have never noticed it until now. The pic is to the left as my profile image. What would you all suggest i do before it gets too serious? i want to sort this before i lose it all. EDIT: When i run my fingers through my hair i lose 1 or 2 strands on the front only.
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