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Everything posted by damnkarma26

  1. I am new to this forum, but have been reading articles on this website for some time now. After reading this thread, I felt the need to respond. In regard to the half-life of Propecia, it is approximately 6 hours. If you have never taken a pharmacology class, all this references is the amount of time it takes for 1/2 of the drug to be eliminated from the body. Thus for most individuals Propecia will be out of their system in about 12 hours, hence why it is recommended to be taken daily. Now comes the slightly confusing part. When a drug such as Propecia begins to work it essentially "blocks the enzyme from hooking up with testosterone" at various androgen receptor sites where the enzyme is essentially waiting for testosterone and in turn converts it to DHT. This effect is long lasting (sometimes more than a week) because it takes our body that much time to produce the new enzymes (5AR). So to some up, the half-life just means how long it generally takes for half of the drug to be eliminated from the body, but this doesn't mean that the drug is no longer working in some way, shape, or form in the body. It has a prolonged effect, because of how long (usually a week) it takes the body to produce more enzymes. So in theory, an individual should be able to take Propecia once or twice a week and have similar efficacy to those who take it daily. Personally, I have been on Propecia for about a month now and I only take it twice per week and I will report on my progression soon. Sorry this post is so long, but ehh it is what it is!
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