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Blog Entries posted by kc121

  1. kc121
    I have been spraying my scalp with ASEA water every hour. I also apply antibacterial ointment to my donor area twice a day. I noticed this time around, there isn't very much crusting/scabs around my grafts, it just looks really red with a lot of tiny dots where the grafts are placed but no scabs. Not sure it thats a good or bad thing since last time, when then scabs came out, the dots went away as well. I think the technicians must have cleaned my blood from my recipeint area really well while they were putting in the grafts.

    Even though I've been icing my face, the swelling is very apparent. I look a bit like E.T. The swelling has come down around my eyes and the bridge of my nose. I'm taking Vicodin once every 4-6 for the pain in my donor area and everything looks like its healing on schedule.
  2. kc121
    Just got home from my HT surgery. Dr. Siporin and his staff were extremely professional and friendly. I felt completely at ease during the entire procedure.

    A little background -- This is my 2nd HT, my last one was about a year ago and I was not too pleased with the results. The placement of the grafts were not very densely packed and the outcome was a bit unnatural looking. I was told I got 1600 grafts but am very doubtful of that. This time around, I took more time researching before picking my surgeon. I met with a few HT surgeons in LA and OC and ultimately decided to go with Dr. Siporin since he was one of the physicians recommended on the Hair Transplant Network and I liked his work from the photos I saw. On top of that, I know the surgeons on this site are carefully reviewed and subject to high criterias. When I met with him a couple weeks ago, he made me feel very comfortable with his laid back attitude and sense of humor.

    This morning, I got to the clinic at 8, signed a few waivers / paperwork, and took several "before" pictures. The surgery started around 9am and ended at 3:30pm, with about a 30 min lunch break. They bought me lunch which was very nice of them! (My last surgery took about half the time which may explain why I got the results I did). Dr. Siporin took his time, carefully punching each incision site. I knocked out a few times from the medication and how comfortable I felt. The medical assistants/technicians were also a so warm and nice, even in a drugged up state, I found myself talking and laughing along with them. I would rate my overall experience here a 5 out of 5.

    I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of these results and will try to post pictures of my progess along the way!
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