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Everything posted by kiaraT

  1. According to an article published in the Times Picayune, dietician Molly Kimball finds that lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements can go a long way in treating high blood pressure. Along with diet and exercise, Kimball says nutrients like potassium can help lower blood pressure. Foods high in potassium include red beans, mushrooms, bananas, and milk. Calcium can also slightly lower blood pressure levels, when taken at doses between 1000 and 1500 mg a day. Foods rich in calcium include yogurt, milk, cheese, and leafy greens. Benefits of calcium are also found in dietary supplements. 40 grams of soy protein a day shows a significant decrease in blood pressure, and can be taken through protein powders, tofu, and soy milk. Co-Q10 also has significant benefits on blood pressure, and when up to 200 mg a day are taken, some patients have achieved reductions in prescription blood pressure medicines. Probably one of the most enjoyable nutrient that has shown to be significantly beneficial to people with high blood pressure is chocolate. The problem with using chocolate to lower BP levels is the fact that you would have to consume 3.5 ounces of chocolate every day, which contains a large amount of calories. Your best bet would be to combine nutrient intake, focusing on the foods or supplements that are the most heart healthy.
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