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Everything posted by Videolife

  1. Sorry for the late reply, guys. Meant to reply earlier, but it completely slipped my mind. Thanks for the explanation mahhong. Now that you've explained it in detail, I now understand what TTP meant by "anti-rejection drugs" - didn't quite register at first that regardless of whether it's a hair follicle or a kidney, it's still not mine and thus the need for such drugs. Yep, that seems to be exactly what they're claiming. I mean they made it sound as if it had been happening for years now, and that's why I didn't really give it a second thought at first. I know better now, thanks to you guys. How about with a shaved head? They would surely be noticeable then, wouldn't they? I wonder: Can you guys tell me if there is a library on here with pictures of shaved donor areas? Preferably a month or even a year + post-op?
  2. Shoot...well there goes that. And sorry for not being more clear, but yea', that is exactly what I was talking about. Below you'll find the link to the website where I read that it was possible. I guess considering what you said, they're promoting some kind of "magic" fix that's too good to be true, huh? (promotional link removed) "FUE Hair Transplant Cost FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction, a fancy way to say “we’re taking someone else’s hair and giving it to you.” Yes, there are hair donors out there, people who are paid to let their follicles be “harvested” and implanted into your scalp. Because the hair is not chemically enhanced nor part of an artificial hair “crop,” it has a much more natural look and feel, depending of course on the suitability of the donor. These individuals are scrupulously “matched” with your own hair color, curl and texture; transplantation begins when you and your follicular surgeon are satisfied with the match. FUE hair transplant cost will average about $3500 to $6000, a bit more expensive; $3500 will buy 500 grafts, but FUE hairs will stay in longer and give a fuller look."
  3. Hello all, I've been hesitant to follow through with a FUE transplant because I didn't want the scars (regardless of how small) on the back of my head. A thought (which I'd assumed was silly at the time) popped in my head about possible donors. After having read online about how it is possible (though much pricier than regular FUE), I'm ecstatic. So I have a few questions for anyone willing to help: 1) What is the general success rate with donor FUE's. Do I have the same success rate per-follicle as I would with regular FUE? 2) If the success rate is not the same, and if the follicles fail, is that on my dime? 3) What is it called exactly? I'd like to do more research online but I'm not sure what keywords would best yield the results I'm after. 4) Lastly, is there anything extremely important I should know before considering this? Any and all help/comments/opinions/questions are welcome. Thanks. p.s. I think I read online that all I'd need is about 500 grafts - maybe less.
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