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Everything posted by mynameisred2

  1. I have been loosing hair for quite sometime and while I did a good job to conceal it, I reached the point where I'm talking to someone and there eyes gaze a little up checking my see through hair thinning. I have been on rogaine for 7 years which is a lot and started finastride lately but while my baldness is decreasing I'm not regrowing hair. I traveled to Turkey for my first hair transplant FUE op at FUE HLC, I am a skeptic person by default so, I did some researching on the the clinic and saw good reviews and testimonies. Reason I picked Turkey is because a lot of people from Europe go to Turkey for that very reason, it's close to them and not as expensive as the european surgeons and ofcourse American surgeons were off the table for me as I had scheduled consulation with our top american surgeons and the price tag they gave me was just insane also, for some reason they tried to get me to do strip method, I'm thinking cause it was cheaper so I can afford it. The FUE Hair Line Clinic was a pretty damn good choice. I had a multiple doctors look at me and while I did not stay at the clinic, I stayed at a hotel near by I find the idea was pretty good to stay there where they order you food and everything you need while you go through the op. I did a 3000 grafts FUE in a period of 4 days in which one day I rested. The surgery was tiresome but without any complication. I 'm currently in the post op redness period 1 month after surgery and have been using biotin spray I got from haircycle, it's pretty good. over all I had a great experience and following up with my doctor via E-mail/pictures and still waiting for the yield
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