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Everything posted by Dreammerchant

  1. jimmy n voipman thanks a lot for your advise... Voipman i m searching for alternate of alcohol base minoxidil ...
  2. i have seen the content of rogaine foam...it does not have ethy alcohol which is not allowed in our religion...where as cethyl,benzyl,stearyl,cetearyl alcohol r allowed in our religion what about the rest of the company who produce minoxidil foam r also free from ethyl alcohol or ethanol
  3. i m basically muslim so alcohol is prohibited in my religion ao i want to use alcohol free minoxidil i m from india so help me to find alcohol free minoxidil eagerly waiting for your reply
  4. Wanna know your xperience about HT..Can u plz give me your email id

  5. Hi... Can u plz share your experience wid dr radha..as m planning to have HT probably in may...if possible can u plz send your photo to my email
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