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Everything posted by RobTheReceder

  1. Hey Richie, Thanks alot for your post and your detailed answer, I really think thats what I needed to hear and maybe why I came here in the first place hoping for someone to say just that. I think from the advice I have been given I will continue with the meds and see how those go in the next few months. I will use this time to find a good surgeon, maybe even someone suggested here. By no means did I mean to shoot anyone down. Thanks to everyone for your comments.
  2. Thanks for the good advice, that is my main concern that im rushing into the FUE before waiting on the meds, just not at all happy with my hairline as it is.
  3. Thanks guys but I am more interested in advice as to whether I am making the right decision to have fue in the first place, and secondly if anyone has heard of dr Hussain. I understand you all want to promote your own doctors but honestly I really can't afford 4-5 euro a graft.
  4. I have just turned 25 and have a receding hairline combined with thinning on the top. I have now for 3 months being taking propecia and have just started with rogaine foam. I also use Nizoral shampoo 3-5 times a week. My plan is to continue the above treatment until the hair loss stops (it may have already its just hard to tell at this stage) and then go for a FUE surgery to get more density on the top and improve (not restore) my hairline. I have been in communication with a Dr Hussain from "myhairclinic.com" he operates out of Norway, Denmark and Pakistan and due to the large difference in prices I plan to visit his Pakistan office. I am only 25 and cannot afford to pay 4-5 euro per graft. We have talked about taking approx 2000 grafts and from what I calculate online this seems to be the right amount. I have done lots of research and to me this seems like a sensible plan to combat this dammed hair loss. Do the experts and guys with experience out there agree? And has anyone had experience with Dr Hussain??, he seems to know what he is doing and the results look good from what he shows. He also sent alot of information about post op care etc and has stressed the FUE needs to consider future hair loss etc, so to me he seems genuine. Thanks in advance for your help, I will post some pictures soon.
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