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Everything posted by kashi35

  1. SO I just had my transplant yesterday with Dr. Humayun. I meet him for the first time the day of the procedure. Dr. Humayun went over everything with me one more time. I really liked the way he explained everything. He is very professional and knowledgeable. The procedure itself lasted approximately 6 hours and I received 2850 grafts. The most painful part was getting the anesthesia in the donor area. It feels like someone is pulling out your hair. Although it was bearable. After getting the donor area numbed I moved from the chair to the operating table and lied face down, it was at this time the Dr. Humayun removed the strip. It was relatively painless. You do feel some tugging. This lasted approximately 15-20 minutes. After this Dr. Humayun placed the holes for the grafts. Next the technicians placed the graft. This is what took the most time, about 4-5 hours. Overall I was pleased with Dr. Huamyun and his staff and would recommend him to everyone. Now lets see how the results turn out. I have updated my pictures so take a look.
  2. Well this is my first post. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this website, it has helped me a lot. I have been researching hair transplant surgery for more than a year. I live in Karachi but have had the opportunity to travel outside the country. I visited Hair Club, Laser Asth. Inst. but was not very impressed. It seemed very commercial and the consultants did not seem very knowledgeable it was at that time that I stumbled across this website and learned about Dr. Humayun and read several of his posts. I had a consultation at his Karachi office and meet with Faisal. Faisal seemed very knowledgable and appeared to be sincere in what he said. He stressed that safety was Dr. Humayun's priority as well as good cosmetic outcome. So I decided to go ahead and schedule surgery with him. My surgery is in 2 days, I am a little nervous. But knowing step by step what to expect helps a lot. I will keep everyone updated.
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