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Posts posted by marcushair

  1. If you think im being harsh and if i'm in the wrong then i will be the first to apologise. However all of us on here post our pics with our stories. There has been lots of cases presented to the forum saying great things about doc's but never supported with any evidence.


    Kind Regards


    Just let Stewart (Dr. Panine staff member) post some old pictures for you to see. Have a good day.

  2. Everyone enjoys a good pun, but yea a photo says it all. 1980's HT's usually are frightful. You can always block out your face.


    Thanks for the comment. You are totally right about being frighten. I was 23 years old and my hair line was receding. Dr. Gencheff was just beginning plug H.T. I asked him to fill in my front behind the current hairline at the time. It was one of the best choices I've made in my entire life. Over time I have lost all my top hair. Thus, my first procedure became my frontal hair line. This receded hair line has allowed Dr. Panine to totally fill in my front, middle, and back. The last procedure was mostly focused on filling in my plug area up front. I truly believe my 1st procedure to fill in and create my future hairline (which at the time I didn't plan) was a key component to how good my hair transplants make me look today. Hope this HELPS you agree, Dr. Panine is a Great AESTHETIC Hair Transplant Physician.

  3. Marcushair

    I personally have really come to like Dr Panines work...I think he has come a long way in his work and I think eventually he will find his way into the Coalition...however, coming on here and stating that you have had 3 procedures with him and you have no photos don't make a lot of sense..WE like to compare before and after photos...if you have any kind of photo that shows something before your repair journey started will go a long way...IF you just post the final result, we will have nothing to compare it too...thanks again!!


    NEWHAIRPLEASE, I had my first Hair Tranplant Procedure back in 1984, when I was starting to go bald with Dr. Christopher Gencheff (retired) plugs. Next, I had two more H.T. surgeries in the early 1990's (plugs-cut up into smaller f.u.). I met Dr. Panine thru Dr. Gencheff. Dr. Panine did 1st my mid, 2nd my back, and finally the front, to cover up the original style plugs. I'm sorry that I don't have photos. but my H.T. journey was very different (almost 30 years). Trust me, I have no regrets choosing Dr. Panine. Have a Great Day.

  4. Not mad at all. You need to know that I started with PLUGS back in 1984. I then had two more small procedures that had plugs cut up into smaller grafts (1990's). I've had three strip procedures to cover the plugs, and increase my coverage (mid thru back). Thus, I don't have visual pictures. My 30 year-six surgery experience is rare. I plan on having one last density procedure next year. If I can get a ditigal camera, I'll show a final result picture. P.S. I was asked to do this because of what I think of Dr Panine, normally I'm a very private person. Thanks for responding, and everything is fine. Have a great 2012.

  5. I've been a patient of Dr. Vladimir Panine for three years. I first meet Dr. Panine thru Dr. Christopher Gencheff (retired). My first few transplants by Dr. Gencheff were plugs (1980's) for my hairline. These were very small but well done procedures. Dr. Panine did three strip (FUT) procedures to fill in my front, middle, and back sections. Each procedure was 2000+ grafts. The results have been excellent. If you have the patience,and willingness to obey instructions. Dr. Panine, Stewart, Marda, Kinga, and Staff will provide you with the ultimate hair replacement at a very fair price. No markers, gadgets, or wasted time, just the finest tools and artistic work money can't buy. Thank you Dr. Panine, for making my head feel alive again.

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