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Everything posted by Mark256

  1. Yesterday, I went to my appointment with Hair Club For Men. I have a slowly receding hairline and it is a concern to me. I went to talk to someone about it and get some advice as to what to do. The first person that came in talk to me introduced herself as the manager. The next person was a hair stylist. Of course, you have to keep in mind the whole time I am there I am repeating "no obligation" in my head. The EXT program looked like something I could find elsewhere and for less that $2,995 for a year program. They introduced the haircuts like it was huge feature. I get my haircut for $10 in my own town. What really bothered me is when the hair stylist was giving me the sales pitch I told him that I would have to talk it over with my wife. His goal was to make the sale before I exited the door. When he said, "If this was just for you and you could make the decision yourself, would you go ahead and do it?" my brain turned off. The fact is, I am not the only person to make the decision, because I have a wife of 9 years and there is a reason for that. I would not want her to make a $3000 decision without me, so I wouldn't do that to her. I feel like any legitimate business will give you time to consider the offer and not pressure you to make a decision right then. I am looking for comparable items to the Hair Club EXT line. They may work, but I don't want the pressure sale. It had all the signs of a commission based job. He said, "sebum (sp?) oils and DHT were affecting my hair growth, causing thinning" There is hair there, but he said it was being blocked. Anybody want to lead me in the right direction?
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