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Everything posted by RonJohn

  1. Thank You Bill With all due respect "hdude46", I'm not following your point of view so please give me some more information. Why is it so bad to undergo a third surgery? Is it because of my age? My first surgery was not succesfful so therefore I really only consider my last surgery a good one. For the past 5 years, I have not experienced more hair loss except for the area that I initially had hair loss in. I have been taking propecia which has helped a lot. All in all, what's the difference between waiting another 3 years to have another surgery vs having one now? Thank you for your input
  2. by the ways, I've tried to send some privat messages but haven't been able to. Is that a common problem for a new member?
  3. Thank you for the replys. It's highly appreciated and this forum has been great! I'm looking forward to engaging more with members and getting some feedback. I'm leaning towards Dr. Rahal but Dr. Feller has some amazing results. I checked out your pics 'hairthere' and I'm very impressed with Dr. Fellers results. I have wavey thick hair, somewhat similar to the structure of yours As far as going with a 3rd operation, I'll see what the doctors recommend but I'm really hoping to go thru with it soon. I don't really see the problem if this can be my last and final surgery. And I guess I just want to get it done to get the results that I want and put the hair problem behind me. I'm currently taking propecia which seems to help and using Nioxin shampoo.
  4. Thank You for your reply. And your right, it doesn't make sense to go with FUE since i already have done strip and will never wear my hair short. I'm leaning towards Dr. Rahal so we'll see what happens
  5. Hello, I will share my hair transplant journey and try to get some advice and maybe some of my questions answered. I’m 24 years old and have experienced hair loss since I was 19 years old. In 2009, I finally decided to undergo my first hair transplant surgery without having much knowledge or information. I was referred to Samsom hair restoration by my sister’s surgeon and assumed they were reliable. Little did I know, I should have done my own research and gathered my own information. At that time I didn’t even know about this website. So I had a hair transplant surgery of about 1500 grafts. I was very nervous and hesitant to do more at the time so I wanted a small procedure and focus on the hairline. The result was just “ok” but I wish the doctor would have focused more on what I asked for which is the hairline. I knew another surgery was definitely in planning and finally I had my second hair transplant march 2011 with Dr. John Kahen in Los Angeles. I had been referred to him by my hair stylist since has his seen is work on other clients. The surgery consisted of 2,500 grafts. The staff was friendly and the doctor was very nice and knowledgeable. I got the lower hairline that I asked for and I can definitely see a difference between my first and second surgery. However, I’m not completely satisfied. By all means, I’m not a picky person but I have seen the pictures of other transplants with the same amount of grafts and I’m not happy with the density and coverage of mine. He focused on the front so I assumed with 2,500 grafts it should be looking a lot fuller but I’m going on 10 months and I can see that it’s not where I want it to be. My number one concern was the scalp showing and even now under light and certain angles a lot of my scalp shows. Even my parents and close friends were not greatly satisfied my with my results. Don’t get me wrong, I’m better at now where I was before but I feel like I’m taking such little steps with my surgeries. After discovering this website and reading reviews and seeing pictures, I’m confident I could have had a more successful hair transplant surgery. I have very dense thick hair from the back and sides. I wanted the hair transplant to focus on the hairline and filling it up from the front and the results don’t show this. So here I am now doing research (which I should have done more of in the beginning instead of trusting referrals) I have come to find that the three top doctors in this field are Dr. Rahal, H&W, and Dr. Feller. I’m in the Southern California and always had the mindset that I would undergo surgery locally in my area. However, my whole mentality has changed because with hair transplant surgery it’s really important to choose an experienced doctor with a great track record. My question is, between the three doctors listed above which one would you recommend for my third transplant? I’m thinking about 2,500 grafts and hopefully get the final results that I want. But I cannot say for sure until the doctor tells me how much I need. Also, I’m thinking FUE. What do you think? Can I get the same results I’m looking for or do I have a better chance doing strip? Also, I realized that many people don’t discuss prices but as we all know, money is a crucial aspect for many people, including me. Although I have narrowed it down to the three doctors, which one do you think has the better prices or “deals”? I know some people will say money shouldn’t play a role in deciding but in my case, I think all three doctors are awesome so I wouldn’t mind settling for either one. Any feedback would be appreciated, as I’m trying to make my decision very soon to get things moving. I’m currently overseas until February 3rd and I think what pushed more towards thinking about a third transplant is having family members you haven’t seen for years tell you that your losing your hair. I think that’s the last thing you want to hear, especially having already under gone hair transplant surgery and was expecting better results. I don’t have before and after pictures on me but I will try to dig some pictures up from emails or something so I can share with you all. Thank You
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