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Everything posted by MichaelM

  1. It seems to me that a couple Junior Members may be tag-teaming against Virginia Surgical Center (like re-posting negative comments), although I don't know why. That's not to say that some people haven't been satisfied with the results they have received. It seems a bit coincidental having them going back and forth while so many like myself have a lot of positive input. But, "elective surgery" is all about emotions and how you picture yourself in the eyes of others. It is naturally a highly subjective, touchy subject. Personally and briefly...I had VSC do 2500 grafts 9 months ago. After my work, the scalp never looked as bad as I had feared. In fact, within a month, I was not wearing my traditional ball cap and even my own family didn't know that anything had been done. As an actor, I am hyper sensitive about how I look because it determines (to a great extent) what work I get offered! At this time, the scar is invisible. I can't find it with my fingers or a mirror. Even my regular hair dresser (who does know because I confided with her) says she doesn't see it anymore. I am really pleased with that. BTW, I had Dr. Beth Jordan. As for growth...I actually lost some more of my own hair at first and was frustrated, but after 6 months was noticing increased volume. Today (9 months in), rather than looking like a man who has lost most of his hair on top, I would say I look more like a man starting to loose his hair.A huge improvement! TVSC points out that my hair has not finished filling in. Stress was indeed a factor for me having recently (at the time)both having lost my job and having to take care of my elderly mother who broke her hip! As far as Virginia Surgical Center vs others, all I can say from experience is that I researched on-line and in-person for several years before I decided to take the plunge. VSC totally surpassed my expectations of their quality of work, professional service, even price. One post mentioned that VSC had fired someone for undercutting prices and creating a market for return business. I heard that also, but that the person was said to have been offering the work outside VSC at a better price. To me it is a Positive reflection on VSC that they caught this unethical behavior and booted the culprit. I look forward to the next few months as my hair continues to fill in. And, If I were to do this all over again, I would definitely choose Virginia Surgical Center. Highly Recommended!
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