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Everything posted by superman555

  1. Hey guys! Let me introduce myself. The facts - I am twenty years old. - I think I have been balding since 17? 18? Somewhere around that time, but I didn't notice until I was 19 or so until my hairline started receding big time. - I'm sure my baldness is due to genetics. My dad is bald, my uncle is bald, and my older brother is balding too. I THINK I'm classified NW7. I'm not too sure, I'll have to check my Dad sometime to double check. - This year, I started to use Kirkland's Minoxidil 5% from April-September? No hairs lost during that time. I kept using the product, but during September, my hair started falling out like crazy even when I used it. So I stopped using it. I have some questions. - I am considering a hair transplant. I went for a consultation once and was suggested for FUT, 2000-2500 grafts to cover my current bald spot. I was told I have good donor density, but I think that's too much, considering that I might be NW7. I want some advice. Is a hair transplant good for me? I'm only twenty and I know there's a longgg road ahead of me lol. The bald spot is really bothering me tho and I really want to patch it up. But at the same time, if the surgery doesn't go right, then I'm screwed for life, right? Also how many grafts should I consider to cover up my bald spot? - Second question - Since Minoxidil isn't working for me anymore, so I'm considering finerasterade (can't spell it). At first I was weary of the side effects, but I think I've gotten over that. Is it a good idea to try propecia first before going for the hair transplant? Thanks for reading ! And nice to meet you all! Attatching pictures . . .
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