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Everything posted by bjoseph04

  1. I see you went to Feller and your transplant looks like it turned out quite well. Are you completely satisfied with it? Perhaps I'll try him first and see what happens. I'm still trying to figure out where I am going to accumulate all the money to pay for it as I'm still going to college
  2. Hi guys, I'm 23 years old and over the last few years I have been considering a hair transplant. I had a consultation with some people at the Hair Club located in Buffalo, NY and wasn't satisfied. I asked to see the doctor and apparently he was on a trip or something. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could steer me in the right direction to a clinic somewhere around my hometown. The closer the better however, I don't want to sacrifice quality either. I live in Bradford,PA. About an hour from Buffalo,NY and 1.5 hours from Erie,PA. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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