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Everything posted by Brazilian111111

  1. Hi there. You are not, nowadays, a good candidate. Your hair loss is diffuse and if you are experiencing hair loss for only 2 years you should wait until you see where it stops. Besides, you are the typical case when the patient experiences shock-loss. Probably for each 4 paid grafts you will lose 1 native UF and after 12 months you will not notice a huge difference. Use a low profile hair style and, since your receding hair line is not too big (cause your hair loss is diffuse) then it will be fine until you reach a better age to do the procedure. Try some concealers, too (they work fine when the remaining hair is well spread as yours). Don't do anything in the next 7 years, except concealers. By the way: do not look for high density cause you'll always have to keep some donor area for the future and, besides, if you apply strip procedure you will need a large strip to provide a good denity (and large strips is too risky to suffer from a large scar on donor area). Good luck.
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