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Everything posted by natalie6

  1. Great thanks for the info! Maybe we will hold off unless he sees a doctor and gets a prescription? Ebay sounds shady, I've heard of people repackaging things like perfume and liquids into more expensive containers and it might not be what you think you're buying! But thanks, I understand nizoral better now.
  2. Yep, planning on staying together forever and getting married =) That's fine, people have different relationships. I think if we were turning 40, things would be different. But we're in our 20s and for example, he helped me figure out what orthodontist to go with to get braces so my teeth are straight. Yes, I would love him to tell me how I can improve myself for him, so that part of our relationship is not an elephant in the room we never talk about like most couples. Of course with age 40, 50, 70 things will be different but right now we're young! I see guys posting on this forum in their 20s that sound like my BF, so I just found it curious how he never noticed the hair loss like you guys do, yet his mother and I noticed it. Thats the only reason I posted this: trying to figure out why he's different from you guys who care, registered for a forum, try to improve your hair etc. He's still sticking with it, doing the rogaine 2x a week so I'm glad my positive encouragement is working! We're going to upgrade his shampoo to nizoral and he said he's OK with that too! So I come here looking for advice to support and help him, even if you think thats "quotation mark" worthy lol. I dont see it as wrong. as i said before, its not a reason for me to leave him, but it still matters to me, just like other physical things matter to others (which I know you guys arent admitting . thats all. i really enjoy reading everything on this forum and would have felt weird hiding who I am, pretending to be a guy or something. so i admitted i'm a gf of a hair loss sufferer and am looking for ways to help him. sorry if thats going to bother some of you, unless a mod says a girl cant post on behalf of my guy, I plan to stick around =) I appreciate the people that posted constuctively!
  3. OK, so you are being mean and sarcastic to me because I agree with everyone on this forum that people look better with their hair? Some of you are acting like a double standard, men are allowed to want their hair for confidence & physical appearance. But a woman is not allowed to agree and try to help her man?
  4. I'm back! I understand I may seem shallow, but there's nothing else i can say. All I can compare it to, is if you had a thin GF and she became 300 lbs over a few years, I really doubt most men would be OK with that. Sure, someone will reply and say they wont care, but theres a specific difference between loving someone and ALSO being attracted to them. You need that attraction. You may deny it and try and seem like a wonderful person, but I dont believe you would be physically attracted to all types of women. People have preferences, that they cant help. Why does that make them a horrible person? I will not leave my BF bc of hair loss, but it will make attraction easier with good hair! Just like a physically ideal woman would make you more attracted to her. [not emotional & companionship attraction which is different, but physical) Why do you all want to save your hair? It makes you look healthier, younger, better. I know it may seem terrible to some people that I want my man to look healthy & the best he can look. But shrug, can't think of how else to explain it and I apprectiate the people conversing with and helping me and being understanding =) SO I haven't seen him since the beginning of November, and I will see him this weekend. So *almost* two months. I hope to see some difference! I may see if he'll let me take some photos we can have so we can compare to his hair 6 months from now and I could post them with his permission. I'm also looking for Nizoral shampoo to start. I'm currently working on saving money for braces for myself, but I think maybe mid-year if we dont see much improvement with shampoos and rogaine I may help him pay for a doctor & meds if they both decide thats best. Thanks, I will return to this thread and look up the doctors mentioned =) 1) I feel like the clock is ticking and every month his hair gets worse but 2) I want to give him time and not bug him about it so I'm trying really really hard to maybe give it 6 months before I bring up a doctor. Thanks all!
  5. Hi all, I currently buy my boyfriend Nioxin 4 noticeably thinning chemically treated hair shampoo & conditioner as his hair dresser said part of his hair loss is because his hair is damaged. He's been using it for a few months now and i think I want to switch to something better. I see Nizoral mentioned all over this place so I have a couple questions. 1 Everytime I google it, its anti-dandruff shampoo. Is that what it is? Is there a non anti-dandruff Nizoral? 2, I tried to read a thread of where to buy it and all the links were removed... and I see its out of stock in the store here. Soo, I'm googling it but all I'm finding is 1% dandruff shampoo. If links aren't allowed can someone please describe to me how to google a website to find it? 3 I do live around walmart, walgreens but all I see on their sites are 1% dandruff shampoos. Is this good enough? 4 What conditioner do you use with it? 5 And i assume its safe to use with minoxidil? (he uses a walmart generic) 6 I know its reccommended to use another shampoo with it so we might keep doing Nioxin in between the days he does Nizoral, but I wanted to check if this is OK. And also if its OK to use Nioxin conditioner with Nizoral. Thanks!!
  6. Hello again everyone! I of course love my boyfriend, and not for his looks, BUT hair is something I notice and something that affects how attracted I am to someone. We've even talked about it and he's admitted he wouldn't be attracted to me if I gained a lot of weight lol. So the pact is that he will tell me if I ever start reaching that point and I will work on it! So we're just really open and honest about things like that. As of now I would love to ask him to go to a doc and help pay for it, and ask about propecia but I will hold off for a couple months. I still don't understand if we can search for a general practitioner to check his overall health or if those kinds of doctors will scoff at us when we mention a hair loss drug. I was surprised the hair dresser thought it was not doctor-worthy even though he said his hair is falling out bad. So I dont know if he should go to a "hair specialist" or an internal general doctor. But, as I said, I will give him some time and if rogaine isnt working out I will see if he would go to a doctor for HIMSELF and not just bc I suggested it. I'm back on this forum because he's been using the rogaine on the back/top/vertex area of his head AND his receding-front-side areas but he just said today the front skin is peeling where he applies it. I'm not sure if he wants to stop, or how bad this is, or if it will go away... soo I'm about to search the forum and I will see him the next 5 days so I can keep an eye on it. I did reply and give him suggestions (Its up to you how it makes you feel. I'd keep doing it. or you could do it less. Or stop; I dont want to force you to do it) So it will be his decision if he wants to quit...
  7. That's what I worry about, the affects. If it was just time, research, & money I would take care of all of that because its a big deal to me. But the health problems- I dont want to ask him to try propecia and then have problems with it. I probably sound like a horrible shallow girl, but it at least goes both ways, I care about myself too and just went to a plastic surgeon to remove some moles lol. There's just specific things that I focus on and a guy's hair is one of them =( I want to save his so bad because its not that bad yet. Sometimes he stays at my home for a few weeks and I live with my parents-- my mom consantly takes me a aside and whispers about how much hair is in the bathroom or guest room and he needs to see a doctor. So she's constantly reminding me of it too, so its not just something I notice. He literally said he had no idea his hair was falling out before I said anything, and once when we mentioned it in front of him his mom she agreed it is. So its just strange he never noticed it when there is SO much evidence all over the floor (and he has long dark hair so you can see it) and it doesnt freak him out. Everytime he showers Im worried he's losing hair he'll never get back lol.
  8. I think two of you mentioned Rogaine foam-- we actually got the liquid. Specifically Walmart generic, but I read thats OK since it has the same ingredients. But what about the foam vs liquid recomendations? We decided on liquid because we read, and after thinking about it, assumed foam might get lost on his hair since he doesnt really have bare bald exposed skin and his hair is about shoulder length. So if you think about it theres still a bit of hair for the foam to get caught on and not reach his skin. (even though he is still obviously thinning) I bought him a 3 month supply to see how it goes. Hopefully we wont need to switch to foam and waste it, I just really really really hope he does it twice a day. We dont live together so I cant be sure. Re: doctors, should we have him go to a regular general doctor first? Since I worry it might be nutrition/health issues since he's so thin too? Or should we look for a specific doctor? He doesnt have insurance, which is why I dont want to push him too much. If he goes to a doctor for tests I feel like its my place to pay for them since he wouldnt be going if I didnt ask him too. Also we live in the chicago suburbs if anyone happens to be around there and has specific recomendations. I dont want to scare him too much by taking him straight to a hair doctor, hopefully take some baby steps first and find a general doctor that will actually take hair loss/being extremely thin seriously. The hair dresser was shocked at how bad his hair was, and at one point said something like "grow it out here [here= the back of the head/upper neck area]" As in, he thought my boyfriend was trimming it there because it was short- and he was NOT. Its just oddly thin & short even though my BF hadnt cut his hair in years. SO I mentioned since he's under 30 and his hair is so bad, should he see a doctor and the hair dresser laughed and said no. So, my BF might have that stuck in his head that the head dresser DID acknowledge his hair was bad but thought it was stupid to see a doctor about it....
  9. So I see there's a recent post entitled "My BF is going bald" so I suppose this thread is kind of like that, but I wanted to discuss other things and get other insight specific to my situation. My boyfriend is 27 and extremely thinning, he doesnt have a "bald spot" per say, but its very thin near the vertex and he always says something like 'but thats my part, its what its supposed to look like" however, my hair definitely doesnt look like that and i've seen other guys' hair that doesnt. He also has a pretty large receding hairline, but hides it with longer hair. I worry if he ever cuts it short how he'll look, bc its pretty far back and makes his forehead area huge... We went to a hairdresser recently and they said his hair looks extremely damaged, rather than just thinning. His hair is kind of long because he just stopped cutting it. The top of it has lots of short fly-aways/frizz that are shorter than his hair and I dont know if its damage from not using conditioner, or towel drying too hard, or just being unhealthy. He's also supremely skinny-- I've wondered if his issues might be thyroid problems. Does anyone have any thoughts about someone thats extremely skinny and has damaged thinning hair? I worry he's missing some specific vitamin or nutrient. Anyway, what made you decide to help yourself? What made you google a forum, register and post? Right now I feel terrible bc he basically says he's only trying to save his hair for me, and wants me to be happy and show he cares so he's doing things I tell him I read online might help. Is this a bad reason? If he hasnt taken the initiative to notice and care about his hair himself should I just let it go? He hasnt been to a doctor in years, if I got him to go, what should we ask about? I've read about propecia but I worry about the side effects and that he wouldnt be taking it if it wasnt for me. He claimed he had no idea he was losing his hair until I pointed it out, so I worry that he's not invested enough in this. Like I feel like the terrible girlfriend judging him about his hair. When he started rogaine he even joked that it warns about heart problems and if he gets heart issues from it will be my fault. As men interested in your hair, what do you think about me trying to help him? Am I overstepping? Should this be completely his thing? I've spent hours reading this forum and googling other hair loss information. He does what I reccommend, (better shampoo, rogaine) but if something goes wrong, I worry it would be all of my fault. Now after seeing all of these before and after photos I cant stop thinking about how great he would look with a hair transplant. His receding front is so bad, so far back, I would seriously pay for a hair transplant for a lower hairline because of how good I think it would make him look. But hes mentioned he doesnt want to do "anything crazy." But he's 27, and the longer we wait, I worry it will just get really bad and we will regret not doing anything sooner. Thoughts? He started rogaine, should I encourage him to see a doctor? Would we just search for a regular internal doctor or something else? What kind of doctor prescribes propecia? And is that too much of a risk if HE himself would not do it if I wasnt encouraging him to do it?
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