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Everything posted by nutstoo

  1. This might help. I had 1700 implanted the first day, and 1950 the second day. She used a recently available motor extraction tool. (instead of the hand punch) She has 15 years of experience, had tons of assistants and all the latest tools (microscopes to check for transection, lateral slite blades). all in all, first rate clinic.
  2. The area is not inflamed, so I don't think its an infection. I was told by a friend who already had a procedure that it could be the part of the gland that was not removed with the graft trying to push up (not really sure what that means, or why that would occur). It could be transected grafts. they are small and there are not many. about 6 bumps. I did have 3650 holes back there. If it is transected grafts, will they go away with time? otherwise i am at almost 8 weeks and no growth at all, but that is to be expected: can't wait for month 5 and will post pics soon.
  3. I am a NW3, partly NW4 (no loss in the crown). I had a hair transplant operation about 7 weeks ago in Turkey. My doctor was Dr Beyan. It was a two day procedures where 3650 graphs (about 8500 hairs were transplanted (660 1s, 1000+ 2s, 1000+ 3s and 400 4s). This is definitively dense packing in an area of about 50 sq cm. I am now 7 weeks post op. I am having several small bumps, pimples, not really sure what they are in the DONOR, area. I have not found anything on the internet on problems in the DONOR area after FUE. What is causing these bumps, pimples? are they permanent? what should I do? I am happy with my transplant otherwise, but it looks like shit at the moment. Again, this is in the DONOR not recipient area.
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