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Posts posted by Jacob1989

  1. Just arrived in Ottawa people, in the hotel now. Here 4 days before the surgery so got a hotel a bit closer to downtown. Finding it hard to keep my eyes open with the extra 5 hours!. You can see my pics on my blog guys, i only have pre op photo's i took myself but i will be updating my experiences to the blog. Im staying at Foxbar 2 days after but unfortunately have to fly back while i swell up i should think but hey ho i will have to be strong and as long as i make it back alive ill be happy :)

  2. Thanks, i'll be sure to PM you Newhairplease and Capelli if i have any questions, i hope the healing for you both is going well!.


    Newhairplease - Im flying on saturday from London to Ottawa, Staying at adams in 4 days before the procedure and 2 days at Foxbar after the op. Unfortnuately my flight is already booked for the way home and cant change it (unless i want to pay an extra ?1000), i've already spoken to one of the patient advisors about the swelling. I will be going to the clinic the day i fly to get cleaned up/bandaged up so im just going to have to be strong and deal with the flight as much as it may suck looking like i will at an international airport but nevermind.

  3. Morning amigo's :cool:


    So it's one week today until my HT with Dr Rahal, pretty excited/nervous but i know im in great hands. I'll be in Ottawa 4 days before surgery so should be nice to see some sights. I will be staying at Foxbar 2 days after the surgery.


    I created a blog to keep you all updated with this whole experience, i've included some pre op pictures i took last night so you can see where im at now. Im booked for 3000 Grafts but im guessing i may end up having more than this.


    It's been a tough 2 years researching into this and i can now say i am ready for it, i understand i am very young for this and understand i may need to commit to a 2nd HT in the future but i am also confident of picking one of the best surgeons.


    Onwards and upwards i hope




    Hair Restoration Site for thegeneral

  4. Thats great to hear, never hear a bad thing about Rahal's work and why would you when the results you see are amazing. Im just excited now. I'll make sure i prepare for the weather too!


    Unforunately im only staying 2 days after but hopefully Dr Rahal wont mind doing the clean up for both days, i've stopped using Regaine but still on Propecia and doing the Scalp excercises as requested in the post op doc!


    Look forward to seeing your results!

  5. Great to hear more good things, how you feeling? Did you wear a hat straight after? Im there 4 days before and staying at Foxbar 2 days after the op, had to stay somewhere else 4 days before as Foxbar was totally booked up.


    What was the weather like? im checking every day and seeing -5 to -20 sometimes!

  6. I felt the need to comment on this as im young and losing my hair, i was around 17-18 when i started to receed and now im at a Norwood III or IV and it does suck, i choose to wear my hair long and cover the parts which i just manage to do now and im on meds of course to slow the process. I dont think a HT is impossible for young people i just think its not advised as your never sure which way it can go, i've taken a lot of advice of this site and its a great forum for help so you came to the right place.


    Im booked in for my first HT at the end of Feb and im pretty nervous but also glad im doing something about it, im 22 and considered young to have a HT but i know ive chosen the right doctor for the job. Your best bet is to get on the Meds and then see how things go from there.

  7. Hi Everyone,


    So its one month till the big day with Dr Rahal, booked in for 3000 FUT although from seeing other patients hairloss blogs i can tell i will end up needing more which is fine if thats the case. Im pretty excited/nervous and cant wait to trim down my hair instead of having these long locks covering the balding parts! Never easy to style!.


    Has anyone had a HT with Rahal recently? feel free to give any advice :cool:


    Its going to be pretty damn cold in Canada in Feb!, apologies if this is a bit of a pointless thread but i thought it would be good to share my HT date and which Doctor i went with.


    Taking Propecia and Regaine foam every day as well as Biotin Tablets, MSM, Iron Vitamins and Zinc. I use Nizoral and a Biton Conditoner. Still thinning in the middle of the scalp but im trying not to let that both me too much right now as im just looking forward to hopefully improving things after the HT.

  8. Okay great, I'll be staying somewhere else 4 days before as Foxbar was booked during this time but look forward to seeing the place for the 2 days im there. And thanks for all the info.. i've looked into Dr Rahal for a long time now and tried to find a bad word and couldnt, im very confident he is one of the top surgeons so im pretty excited and happy on my choice.


    As for tourist things i meant before :) i'll be there 4 days before and as i hear Canada is a lovely place i thought i'd maybe go see a few things, pretty excited to go and get it done now but its great to speak to someone who's recently gone and had it done, if you dont mind it would be good to keep in contact and see your progression? I think im a similar case to yourself (i can send you some pictures). I hope your healing well and very impressed by the pics so far.



  9. I shall get some posted on my profile soon! I think my temple's look fine at the moment but think i may need a few grafts there. Flights all booked now so i guess if i swell then i swell. Was really good reading your post knowing that im going soon! I hope your healing all okay, have you cut your hair quite short? im thinking on doing so when im there as ill most likely keep a cap on for the first few months anyway! Hope the healing is going well and your feeling good.

  10. Great result! looks nice and clean and your post made me "LOL" a lot, especially the bit about brad pitt ha.


    I am going for a HT with Rahal in Feb 2012 and pretty nervous but reading post's like this make me very excited. I've been told 3000FUT but i can see myself maybe wanting/needing more to get the nice dense result, there for im hoping to save some extra cash incase!..


    Im flying back 2 days from the procedure, nice flight back to London :/ so im hoping im not to swelled up!


    Happy healing

  11. Hey Capelli,


    Nice write up, let me know when you have some pictures up..


    Im going for 3000 FUT on 29th feb but actually flying out on 25th feb as the flight works out ?1000 cheaper!, unfortunately Foxbar was booked for the whole 6 days that i'll be there but there is no reason for the 4 days before my procedure why i cant stay in a different hotel so that is my plan and ive got the day of the procedure and day after booked at Foxbar, but they only had "the loft" available so i've had to take that, my brother will be coming with me so im going to stay in the Chair and he shall sleep in the bed, I was wondering if you have seen the loft? is there a general living room of the house that patients can socialise?


    How did you find the procedure?, im pretty nervous as im quite young and never expected to have to go through this at such a young age but im excited to finally get a good hairline. I heard you can watch movies while its being done? and you cant feel a thing?.. is this right.


    Anyone know of any good tourist things to do? Im going to be there 4 days before my procedure and with my brother so just wondering what i could do, but i also need to save my money incase more grafts are required.



  12. Good to see everyone agrees :) he seems to be rated very highly on this forum and i can see why from his work, i had to go with him after seeing his results and peoples experiences. Im getting FUT 3000 Grafts..


    Cant decide - im not to sure how long the lead time is mate, i just know his very busy and had only a few selected dates for early 2012! its nice not to get hasseled by a clinic either! had some place in the UK constantly phoning me 3-4 times a day leaving me answer phone messages to call them to get a consultation.. desperate much!?

  13. Hey Everyone,


    I've just got my date secured for Feb next year to have FUT with Dr Rahal, pretty excited/nervous but glad to be doing something about my hair loss!


    If anyone has had any experiences with Dr Rahal please feel free to post, im staying at Foxbar which is a 5 min walk from the center



  14. Hey


    Really interesting to see this post, very impressed by Dr Rahals results and getting a HT for 3000 grafts in feb, im pretty young too so pretty nervous but its good to see great results from Dr Rahal and hope your recovering well, im going out for a week due to it being cheaper for flights. Flying from London. I shall keep following your results but how was the whole experience?

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