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Everything posted by businessgirl117

  1. PRP therapy is what it's called, and being used in the United states already! Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy....At the cost of about $500.00 to $1000.00 per injection, you would end up spending close to $250,000.00 to get the desired hair count (if signigicant hair loss)
  2. not necessarily....I am concidered a hair transplant specialist. Been in the Biz for almost 20 years. Seen alot of change, and not all for the good. To answer the question, No, not every doctor is the same. As a matter of fact, a doctor is only as good as his staff. If you want to know who does most of the work, that would be HIS STAFF!! I am very particular as to who I work for these days...I will tell you one thing...FUE is very expensive, and it is something we used to do many years ago when I first started working in hair. It is a regression, not a progression. By the time your done paying for your "FUE" surgerys, you could have paid 1/2 the price had you got it done right the first time. Most fue surgerys are only one hair grafts...It's a way for the doctors to make more money, to have you keep coming back for more. I think that if your going to spend your hard earned money, then get it done right the first time. With someone who cares about YOU, not your pocketbook.....any questions???
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