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Everything posted by flows

  1. Thanks all for advice and comments, really appreciated and some interesting debate... To be honest I didn't realise I was so set to become a NW 7 - is this an absolute inevitability??? - if so strip definitely won't be the way to go because I would want to buzz down and probably don't have the financial clout to keep chasing the hair loss (work for a charity!) Maybe the advice saying wait until after meds (hadn't tried finasteride due to fear of side effects) is best -I've been basically trying to hurry it in between work contract but I suppose it's something that shouldn't be hurried.. Would it not be an idea just to get some FUE to maintain some of the hairline / crown which would still look better than nothing when the rest starts to be lost or not at all?
  2. Hi all... I've recently decided to have a transplant and booked in for procedure with a highly recommended doctor by this site.. After more research than you can possibly imagine though I'm still slightly undecided about whether to go for strip or fue - I've attached some pictures back and top.. I'm 31 - and currently wear my hair at around number 2 and it doesn't look bad - down to a 1 and i look like a bit of a hooligan - so having going up a grade to a 3 or a 4 to avoid scar showing - wouldn't be too much of a problem after strip if it results in a much better yield than FUE... my donor doesn't seem to be completely appropriate for FUE ie limited right? But FUE obviously would give me the option of going to a number 1 /2 when future loss kicks in and just going for the shaved stubble look with more at the front than would have had as I won't be having lots and lots of surgeries (can only afford 2 I reckon total at a push...) Also if I do become a very high Norwood (7? is that possible?) what would be better to get? or abandon whole idea in that case? Any thoughts at all would be greatly appreciated
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