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Posts posted by ParraPhil

  1. Cheers guys ...


    Not really expecting "expert" answers here, just wanting some personal preferences from people who have had HT experiences as to what they found good & bad about their approach.


    I was quoted 3,500 grafts as I said I wanted the front 1/3 reconstructed. I will also need some midscalp thickening up at a later date. My personal preference is to break it up into 3 x 2,000 instalments. If this is a dumb approach, I'd be happy to hear why.


    I'm not a fan of cutting high up behind the ear. Is there a reason why they do this.


    Is there a risk of scars stretching if you take a thicker slice of 20cm x 1.5cm Vs a longer slice of 35cm x 1cm.

  2. $10 is fine if it is a small job, say 200 grafts (postage stamp jobs).


    There has to be a minimum fee in there somewhere to cover the malpractice insurance, and the opportunity cost of missing out on a larger job.


    However above 1,000 grafts you'd expect it to be on a sliding scale.


    I've had FUE quotes ranging from $8.75 (1,000 grafts) down to $6 for the larger jobs (for grafts above 2,000).

  3. I am wondering what is the best strategy is in terms of hair transplant surgeries.


    - Is it better to have multiple / smaller surgeries

    - Are 2 large surgeries a better result, get it over with quicker




    - total grafts required 6,500

    - cost not a problem

    - both FUT & FUE are acceptible to patient




    - is it really a good idea to be cutting up behind the ear?

  4. Thanks Blake,


    I've always had stiff neck problems at the base of the rear hairline, so was concerned at what area was being cut.


    I have seen numerous scars photos, and hundreds of fabulous +12 month results from all the forums and patient websites.


    I had eye lasik surgery at the start of the year, and did minimal research (waited for a friend to get theirs done first) and had a fabulous result.


    I have done massive HT research and it could be a case of over analysis = paralysis as I simply can't commit to going ahead just yet.


    Strip surgery to me, still seems rather barbaric !


    FUE is ridiculously over-priced (lets charge double as I have to work an extra 2 hours) and destroys the donor zone rather quickly.

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