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Everything posted by HairToStay

  1. I have looked under the bed, I have checked my pockets, I have searched high and low and my hair was nowhere to be found. You see, for the past 23 years I have been losing my hair and have done everything short of sending out an Amber Alert for it! However, every generation or so, some amazing new product is discovered that revolutionizes our lifestyle and improves our way of life. My friends, I am extremely excited to share with you the “Hair Loss” Fountain of Youth… I give you MinoxiBoost! Let’s go back a couple decades or so to better understand my quest I went on to find what no other hair loss product has done. Like most of us that begin losing our hair… thickening hair shampoos, conditioners, mousses, gels and hairsprays are the first line of defense. Unfortunately, they only give the illusion that you still have a thicker head of hair which is still continuing to thin out. So you start getting the “more expensive” brands hoping they will work. The only thing they work on is your wallet. You now begin phase two; growing out the hair on top of your head longer so you can cover up the balding spot(s). Then you begin to realize you’re trying to revive the 70’s hairstyles like the “comb over” or “Trumps Pomp”. As you are becoming more desperate and depressed about your hair loss, you are checking out all kinds of options… spray paint and powder stuff to cover your bald spots, wigs (sorry Hair Replacement Systems) to very painful and very costly hair transplants. After you have seen how ridiculous you look paining your scalp, how “everyone but you” notices you have a wig on your head and you got extremely sick to your stomach watching the YouTube videos on hair transplant procedures, you begin to consider one of the two more commonly used options… Rogaine or Propecia. You first try out Rogaine; it’s the easiest to get a hold of, doesn’t need a prescription and is considerably less expensive. After many months of your twice-a-day schedule, you notice you’re at least not loosing anymore hair and it feels and looks a bit thicker, you may even notice some growth as well. As the years go by, you begin to notice it is not working like it use to. You may have switched to a less expensive Minoxidil product such as Kirkland Brand from Costco however we are creatures of habit as you still remain loyal to your routine. Propecia is a much easier program, a little pill once a day. However as long as you are ok with going to your doctor to get your prescriptions (which is NOT COVERED under your insurance) getting your blood drawn every so often, a more costly program and let’s not forget on little thing… there a chance you can’t get an erection anymore! You may just want to stick to a Minoxidil product, but it just isn’t working to its fullest potential… until now! I have been an inventor since I was 9 years old, you know the kid that would take everything apart to see how it works, but couldn’t get it back together… ya, that’s me. Well, since then I have invented many products and even created a few TV shows and books as well. Throughout the year though I have thought long and hard about the conventional and nonconventional studies on hair loss and I came up with my own ideas. What is it that prevents Minoxidil from growing hair back to its full potential? Well my friends, I figured it out and came up with a product that allows minoxidil to work to its fullest potential. I call it MinoxiBoost and it works amazingly well and SUPPER FAST! You see results the first time you use it and continue to see and feel more hair than ever within the first 3 months! MinoxiBoost has 2 Phases; PHASE I MinoxiBoost is a super concentrated deep penetrating formula that is applied once a day to your scalp before you take a shower. It instantly loosens and cleans off the dead skin cells, bacteria, dirt, and/or "scalp scum" off your scalp allowing your Minoxidil product to work optimally deep within the hair follicles. PHASE II MinoxiBoost is created as a maintenance product to be used after PHASE I MinoxiBoost. It has a similar formula to PHASE I MinoxiBoost except is milder and only needs to be used once every 3 days. What is also great about MinoxiBoost is both men and women can use it! Soon there will be am amazing demonstration video showing the instant and amazing power of MinoxiBoost. But for now you can visit (promotional link removed) to learn more about MinoxiBoost and when it will become available. If you are a reporter or producer and would like to share a demonstration of Minoxiboost on air, feel free to contact me at (promotional contact info removed)
  2. HairToStay

    I have been using Rogaine for over 10 Years and sadly I haven’t received much results, but 3 months ago I began using MinoxiBoost in conjunction with my Minoxidil product (I had to start using Kirtland Brand to save some money) and it’s like I discovered the fountain of youth!!! I look forward to seeing what my hair will look like in the next couple of years... I'll keep posting. :) You can learn more about MinoxiBoost by going to www.MinoxiBoost.com
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