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Everything posted by dbaner2

  1. Thank you so much for the quick response. I am seeing some 30-40 hair lost everyday during shower and I am really worried. My only question is - is the hair that I am shedding are the transplanted hair that is shedding for the first time or they started to re-grow and shed again. I am fine if it is the earlier. But if this is shedding after to re-grew then I guess it is the real cause for concern. I am sure that the hair that is shedding are not my pre-existing hair as my pre-existing hair is already of certain length and these shedding hair are much smaller. Please comment if my assumptions are correct. Please,
  2. Hello All, Last 3-4 days I am suffering another round of hairloss. This is happening mostly when I take shower. I see around 30-40 hair falling off everyday. This is almost 3 months one week post surgery. The interesting fact is that the hair that is falling are not pre-existing hair as my pre-existing hair has already grown to certain size and these(falling hair) are small. So they are either transplanted hair falling off for the first time now or they are falling off after they came out from the scalp. I am really puzzled and worried. I cannot reach my hair transplant surgeon as he is abroad and not sure what to do at this point. I am applying rogain and Toppik everyday. I am still suffering some shock loss on my donor as well. Is having shockloss or other kind of hairloss at 3 month post-op normal? Is there anyway I can find out if something is going wrong? Any help will be highly appreciated!!!!
  3. Hello, I have a small update on my progress. While I am constantly seeing small pimples developing on my scalp(I know this is a positive sign of growth), I am also seeing small newly born hair falling off(just 3-4 hair per night) on my pillow linen. Also when I apply rogain on my scalp I see 3-4 hair sticking on my finger tips. I hope these are small things but given the uncertainty of the recovery process and not so sure future of the surgery, I am paranoid about everything that is happening with my hair. Please shed some light if this is a common occurrence and if something should be done from my side. Thanks so much!! Dbaner2
  4. Thanks again for the reply. Pics 3 & 5 (from the left) were taken before transplant and the rest were taken 2.5(almost 3) months after transplant. But, yes I get your point that its still too early. Its just I am little scared to see things are degrading rather than improving. Will post back after a month probably.
  5. Thanks for your reply Thehairupthere. While your reply was helpful I want to know few things specifically: 1. Looking at the picture could you spot any shockloss that might have occurred? I feel I currently have much less hair than I was having before. 2. I use toppik and dermmatch everyday even on my transplanted area. Hope that is fine. 3. Is there any other indicator which shows that the transplant is progressing normally and that the grafts are about to sprout hair? Any other opinion will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, dbaner2
  6. Hello All, After reading through posts in this forum, I believe that this is the best place to be for any sort of discussion related to hair loss and restoration. I am 27 year old male and I started noticing hair loss from the age of 22. On 23 May, 2011, I went for 3900 grafts frontal hair transplant with FUE technique. Attached are my pics before and after transplant(pics 3 & 5 before transplant and rest 2.5 months after). I think I am in the worst phase of post hair transplant procedure with all the transplanted hair along with some pre-existing hair being shed. I am really concerned about the future of the procedure and want to know if it is going in the right direction. Since, I am living far away(different country) from my hair transplant doctor I cannot visit him often. Looking at the picture can someone please throw some light on how my transplant is progressing. Btw, I was using Rogain for 3 years before the surgery and started it back from 1 month post surgery. I also use Toppik everyday on the receipent area. Thanks for all the help. you guys are doing a great job!!! Thank you
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