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Everything posted by Ripped

  1. I received 2500 graphs from the Virginia surgical center. I have seen no sign of hair whatsoever. There is no reason in my case why the graphs should not take, no stress, no disturbing the graphs. I have been on propecia the whole time. I actually lost hair right after the procedure that has not grown back. It gets worse. I went for a check up and the person who I met with looked at my head and said he saw "peppering" signs that the hair was coming through the skin. I have had several others look and no one sees ANYTHING! If I find out there is fraud involved, I will bring a law suit. I happen to be an attorney and I am not afraid to take action if appropriate. I would like to locate others who may have been ripped off. I would ask others to identify themselves if they have had similar experience. It might be appropriate to bring a class action suit.
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