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Posts posted by sjones23

  1. aaron - oh i got ya, for some reason i thought i read that it would make me lose hair which i wouldnt of lost if i hadnt of taken them,


    Do you think i should give it a go , i know you commented on my photos by sayimg i had some minitureized hairs which could come back stronger?


    Ive got a consultation with Dr Rahal on Tuesday not looking forward to the long drive lol

  2. Hi Guys,


    I think im going to start my pills this evening and just wanted some last minute advice,


    How many People does it effect and has anybody here taken it and had no sexual side effects


    and did it regrow your hair or just maintain loss


    Thanks guys

  3. Hi,


    I got for first Finasteride pills yesterday but have still yet to take any of them,


    ive heard about hair shedding which worries me a little, my biggest concern is that im going home to the UK for christmas and i dont want to look a smooth as a bowling ball, if i start taking the pills could this happen or would it start to grow in by then as its 5 months away:(


    Any info would be most appreciated:)


    Have a good day folks

  4. Another question i had was if i start to take Finasteride would it effect me in my sports as in performace and also i like to lift weights and stay in pretty good shape would the blocking of testosterone stop my muscles from developing?


    Sorry for all the questions and i guess some of them are stuped but i just would like to know all the info before taking tham


    Thanks again

  5. Hi,


    Ive taken peoples advice and got myself Finasteride, I was pretty surprised as it only cost me $9 for 30 tablets from Walmart and that was without using my Insurance. Why is it so much cheaper than Propecia if it has the same results?


    could anyone tell me How often do i need to take them?


    Many thanks:)

  6. After taliking to quite a few people on here ive been told that it would be a good idea to start using Propecia, but im a bit worried about the side effects,


    my only major concern is the risk of cancer through taking the medication


    please help :(



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