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Everything posted by only16

  1. Hi, Could you please delete my account. I no longer use it and never will again. I now live my life for Jesus Christ as much as I can and I want to move on from everything that formed part of my old life. Thanks and may God bless you all and bring you to eternal life, Damien
  2. Hi all, I turned 16 in May. As you can see from my avatar my hairline is starting to recede. This started to happen about a year ago after having my head shaved. The hair at the sides didn't grow back like it had done before. Also a person at school commented on it. My dad lost all his hair, but it was when it was in his late 20's, not when he was as young as I am now. This is really distressing me and causing me so much upset. At my young age is there anything I can do to regain the hair I've lost, or at least anything I can do to slow down the process ? Has anybody else here experienced this when they were my age ? Also a few people have told me I look older than what I am. I was talking to someone recently on MSN and they said they thought I looked about 28. OK, I'm quite tall for my age but this person couldn't tell that - they only saw a face pic. I was really shocked and upset at this. In the past, a few people have told me I looked a year or two older than what I was, but that was only because I've always been quite tall for my age. In my face I only look my age and many people agree, so therefore if anyone thinks I look 12 years older on just a face pic, it can only be because of my receding hairline. Be honest guys, do you think my receding hairline makes me look loads older ? Please don't say what you think I want to hear, I want you to be brutally honest. Anyway sorry to rant on, but this is causing me so much grief. Has anyone got any suggestions ? M
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