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Posts posted by wideparting

  1. Darrensol, what you are talking about is an ordinary skin system that is available elsewhere really.

    A couple of questions for you and the company.

    I play sports weekly if not daily ,go for saunas, swim, shower daily, sleep in my system, wear my hair brushed back exposing a very natural hairline, can sweat quite freely without affecting the bond, have never been busted and even the closest of friends do not know or even guess that i wear, all for the price of ?220 for a custom made Remi hair system that can last me easily 5 months before replacement!:D Compaired to what?

    On the subject of your scalp breathing,how is that achievable when your scalp is covered in adhesive?:confused:

    It doesn't matter if there are thousands of tiny hole in the skin that is then rendered useless when it is placed upon your scalp when it is covered in adhesive?:confused:

    I would really like to know how that is at all possable?:rolleyes:

    In fact it could be the medical breakthrough that the medical profession has been waiting for all these regarding prosthetics!;)

    How is it different from a toupee? Please bear in mind what a toupee is and the definition of a toupee!;)

    The site says that toupees are heavy and not breathable?


    That was the case in the 70's and 80's but today?

    I think you and the company should have another look at what is out there regarding undetectable,lightweight breathable systems,but i suspect you already know the truth on that matter?;)

    Why have something glued to your head for up to 7 weeks?

    Not only is it totally unhygenic but totally unhealthy for your scalp also.

    The most people should go for with any bond is 1 week, or 2 weeks if pushed once in a while such as vacations etc..

    Ask any reputable doctor or skin specialist.

    So a custom system is ready for you when you enter the salon?

    Can i surmise that they are premade stock pieces that are generic in colour density etc.. that are then cut to size to match the customer?:rolleyes:

    Compaired to having a unique template made to your head shape and bald area coupled with exact colour match and texture match of your hair, density areas matched and then having it custom made for you that matches you exactly in colour,texture and various density around your head area to closely match and blend with your own hair that is unique to you and you alone.

    Maybe that is why other places can make you wait for up to 8 weeks as the system has to be hand made and crafted to your own specifications?

    It is not called custom for nothing you know!

    And guess what you can even get the highest quality human hair?Shocked?:rolleyes:


    I could go on and on.... but basically the website for the skin systems is just clever marketing with a play on words but having been a wearer of hair for over 10 years, i have tried and looked at many, many systems offered out there, including this one which originates from Germany i believe, and it really is no different to what you can get elsewhere that can and often do last a lot longer than 7-8 weeks!


    So the marketing blurb might convince new hair wearers to part with a lot of dosh over a year for something that they can get for a lot cheaper elsewhere without the clever marketing play of words.


    My message to all hair wearers or potential hair wearers, by all means look at this company and what it offers but do look at the other options out there before parting with any cash and think very carefully about it's claims.;)

    I and others await answers to my questions.

    Thank you!

  2. Stay away from places like Advanced Hair Studios ,as has been mentioned above, they and other so called salons use clever marketing tricks to con,yes, con you out of thousands of pounds for something you can getter better elsewhere for a whole lot less!!

    And believe me the quality you can get elsewhere for a lot less dosh is very much achievable easily!

    Hair membrane? LOL!!

    It is simply French lace,not even Swiss lace which is even thinner.

  3. Geez, you guys are so negative! A few comments:


    1. Attachment, removal & cleaning take a total of about 30 minutes each week.


    2. I am almost never aware that I am wearing my hair system.


    3. Traction Alopecia has not been an issue at all.


    4. Most people who don't like hair systems never took the time to:

    a. Get used to wearing it (takes about 4 - 6 weeks)

    b. Learn about different attachment methods and products.


    5. It took me a while to find the right on-line seller, but once I did, attachment became simpler, the system looked more natural, etc.


    6. Early on, I was constantly looking in every mirror I came across to make

    sure it looked right. I got over that in about a month.


    7. Like most things, there is a learning curve.


    8. I look a LOT younger with hair.


    9. You will start feeling more confident about your appearance after a couple of months, so you just need to get over the (natural) insecurity that occurs early on.


    10. You have to be willing to deal with good-natured joking from friends and also very earnest comments from people who try to reassure you that you look great without hair and that you don't need it - or who say you looked better without it.


    11. You have to wear hair because YOU want to - not to cure your insecurity about your baldness or to impress others or to meet more women. Those things will probably happen, but your main reason for wearing has to be that you like the way you look with hair - period.


    12. The best hair systems are totally (I mean it!) undetectable. Forget the nightmare stories - there are a lot of crappy hair systems and unethical sellers out there. When you find the right supplier and a good stylist, you're gonna love the way you look.


    I couldn't have put it better myself!

    There are far,far more benifits to wearing than not having any hair and it really is as easy to achieve and maintain than a lot of people realise.

    Just make sure you get a good supplier, your specs right and a good stylist and everything else takes care of itself with very little effort.

  4. Problem with companies that let customers down is that they find it hard to regain their trust again.

    Regarding Easypiece i have ordered a few systems from them and so far so good although i have to say the price does not match the quality offered.

    I know that they say it is Premium hair etc but in all honesty it is no different from what you recieve elsewhere for half the price.

    Still at least it turns up on time although i have to say they are not the quickest to respond to any queries you may have.

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