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Posts posted by greatjob

  1. So here is this year's November update. It has been over 3 years since I started this thread. I have been on fin for 3 years and 3 months. I can't say that I have seen any progression in the loss, so that is good. These are the most revealing photos, I just thought about my promise to update and snapped a photo at my desk. There is a product in my hair and I combed it this morning, so this is my "natural daily state" which is how I will continue taking these photos. My hair is pretty long right now, so again, I know it is not the best comparison, but I am doing this for long term study purposes and will continue taking photos of how I roll throughout the day at whatever length my hair is at update time. I don't like taking photos of my crown because I am always afraid of what I might see, so I dodged a bullet this go around. Fingers crossed till next time. I will note that I am seeing some miniaturized hair in the shower (about 10-15 percent that are noticeably more fine than others) so we will see what that brings. I also drop 20-30 hairs a day in the shower and have been doing so for quite some time. So, there is my crown update/journal. Hopefully years from now, people similar to my age and hair loss will be able to use this as a gauge if I am able to keep it up. I turn 35 very soon and an not even remotely a bald buy, which is pretty exceptional for my genetics line (paternal side all have hair loss and only have one uncle (without loss) on my moms. So, while I do have MPB (hence my prior HT), I think I am going to fall in the fairly slow and stable category, especially with medical therapy. I don't think I will ever pass a NW4 but am shooting for a NW3 to be my final pattern with regimented therapy, so wish me luck.

    I still hate you and your hair still looks amazing, lol!! :P

  2. Wow I literally have no clue how you got that much coverage with only 2710 grafts. Did you start on meds around the time of your transplant? I only ask because it looks like you left a fairly large portion of your crown untouched, but in the 6 month pictures it is filled in. Anyway you must be thrilled, this is one of the best results I've ever seen for the amount of grafts used.

  3. The location of the hair follicles when transplanted means nothing. The hair follicles in balding areas have higher numbers of androgen receptors than non-balding areas (Balding hair follicle dermal papilla cells cont... [J Endocrinol. 1998] - PubMed - NCBI), they will have the same sensitivity to androgens no matter where you move them. The fact that hair follicles retain their characteristics when transplanted is literally the foundation of hair transplant surgery. If the follicles sensitivity to androgens was dependent on the area they were moved to, not a single hair transplant would be successful.

  4. How come there is no face shots? He could be anyone after the HT. clear pictures and complete head shots will clear the facts.


    Will wait for it.

    Yeah the patient has to consent to their identity being released. When you have a procedure most clinics have you sign a contract where you allow them to either display your results with your face exposed, your face concealed or not display your results at all. I'd say it's pretty rare for the patient to give consent to display their full face. I'm sure this patient didn't want his identity released so you're probably going to be waiting for a long time for the full face shots :rolleyes:


    Also if clinics were doing what you're suggesting they wouldn't last very long on this site

  5. hey i did a 2 day fue operation on sept 16th and 17th and i had a few general questions. So i havent consumed any alcohol till about 3 weeks or a month after the operation, but i am a heavy partier and i do not consume just a few drinks but alot so i wondered if that will affect the thicnkess and or time of hair to grow back. Also do you recommend on taking other products to help better hair growth ..because i have read if you stop taking them your hair will probably get worse. its been just about 2 months since the operation and i can see some hairs growing back but i was informed that until 3 months i wont see much. So mo my biggest worry is to see wheter or not partying will affect it and if other products are recommended since i did the operation and dont want to start using products and then stop and my hair to get worse.


    thank you !

    I wouldn't worry about the alcohol. My last procedure I had some drinks at the hotel while I was recovering post-op and in the first few months post-op I tied a few on and I was actually a pretty early grower and had no issues with yield.

  6. I think your hair looks amazing. Although I started losing my hair when I was like 12-13 years old so I guess it's all relative. I generally consider anyone who is around a NW 2 as having a full head of hair. You're at an age where you could probably get away with a fairly aggressive hairline, I would be highly surprised if you progressed to an advanced norwood level, but I would suggest giving finasteride a try just in case your hairloss accelerates.

  7. Maybe its too early as you guys mentioned. I will wait 1 more month and I will update the results.

    You're more than likely not going to see much at 4 months either. At 3 months post-op you should only really be back to where you started before the procedure. You really have to be patient, more than likely you won't see any noticeable growth until around 6 months post-op. Did your doctor not go over a post-op timeline and what to expect?

  8. Medical Park Hospital in Istanbul. I feel pleased with their work although I am only nearly 3 months since the transplant. At the moment things look a little sparse but I can see new hairs coming through so I am keeping confident.

    That's strange, I've never heard of waiting so long to use clippers. It really doesn't make any sense, I think a generally conservative and reasonable time frame would be to wait until 1 month post-op before cutting the recipient area with clippers. Maybe they're just super conservative, I don't know.


    And at 3 months post-op you should only really be back to where you were pre-op, so nothing to worry about yet. Good luck and happy growing!

  9. Why don't you consider Coen Gho for beard hair transplant? The only problem I see with Gho is that he does not produce results comparable with standard FUE for scalp hair. If you can use Gho's procedure for Beard Transplant, you will have sufficient donor regenerated on the back of your head and still decent results (if not amazing) on your beard. Just my opinion.

    I'm not even sure if he is getting any regeneration at all at this point. All evidence so far is pointing to him splitting grafts. Besides that his clinics are more like hair mills, he doesn't do any of the work, chances are you won't even meet him.

  10. Ok thanks for the immediate post-op pictures, it does look like the hairline was placed at or in front of that widows peak kind of thing. Well regardless if you lost more hair or not that is on the doc then, I can't believe a recommended doctor here would advise against finasteride. I personally don't believe a person is a candidate for surgery if they are unwilling or unable to take fin for the long hall, with very few exceptions. You have a ton of hair to hang on to and I would be really interested to hear how the doctor claims to know you won't lose anymore hair. Does he have a crystal ball?

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