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Posts posted by greatjob

  1. You're in the right place. This forum is populated by extremely educated patients and clinic shills are called out and exposed pretty much immediately. Good advice in this thread; Dr. Feller is probably in most peoples top five best HT surgeons in the world. True & Dorin have a great reputation and Dr. Wesley is an innovator and well respected in this field. You can search on this site for recommended doctors in your area and there are many genuine patients on this site who have gone to the best doctors in NY and you should use them as a resource for sure. You are obviously an intelligent person who was not reeled in by sub-par clinics, I suggest you continue your due diligence and use this site as a resource to make an educated decision on your choice of HT surgeon. Good Luck!

  2. Photos attached. There is Nanogen in the middle so it is actually thinner than just at the front.

    Ok you have quite a bit of native hair remaining which might mean that you will be in good shape post-op. I would grow out your hair as long as possible before your HT and then have the doc shave only what is needed up top that way you can comb you hair forward to conceal the work. If you couple that with concealers like dermmatch and nanogen you might be able to go undetected at 5 weeks

  3. Dr. Konior is a great doctor. The redness should be lessend by 5 weeks. Its going to take about three months for the native hair in your recipient area to grow back fully, so your going to have the horseshoe look going on if you leave your sides long. I don't know what your hair looks like normally, but from my experience you might be able to conceal the scar at 5 weeks but you are not going to look like your normal self that everyone is used to seeing at 5 weeks.


    Here's my thread from my HT:




    you can see the difference between my pre-op and month1 and 2. I definitely looked different than I did pre-op. I would suggest looking at other peoples pics at around 5 weeks and see if its something you can deal with. Do you have any current pics? They might be helpful in determining how you might look at 5 weeks

  4. Many people will tell you yes, but I'm not one of them. If this is a FUT procedure there will still be signs you had something done at 5 weeks. Every person is different, some have more native hair that helps conceal the procedure, some heal faster than others, and others have more severe shock loss that hurts the concealment. I am just about 3 months post op and I am just about 100% back to pre-op condition. Every person heals a little different, I would suggest looking at as many post-op pics at around 5 weeks on here as possible and make a judgment call. IMO the idea peddled around by the industry that you will be able to resume your normal life undetected shortly after a HT is a crock of crap. Not to scare you off but I think everyone should go into a HT with eyes wide open. You also might want to look at docs that don't make you shave down, Dr. Gabel and the Shapiro brothers come to mind. Good luck!

  5. I personally think your hair looks great! If I were you I wouldn't consider a HT right now. Its good you are really aware of your hairloss so you can catch it early and hopefully slow it down. I would definitely get on finasteride asap to stop your loss. If you are concerned about sides you might want to try Spex"s transition approach :




    Also I consider the NoFap phenomenon and masturbation induced ed to be serious broscience but that's just my two cents. Your ed with a new woman is most likely due to anxiety and not how often you wank it, lol. I commend you for trying to abstain for 9 months though, good luck with that.

  6. Whoops, I meant Rogaine Foam!!


    It is much better!! no mess, no oily feel and drys in a few minutes. Some find that they actually like they way it makes their hair look and feel. It is also less irritating to your scalp. They now have generic foam as well so it is cheaper, I get a 6 month supply from costco for like $50-$60 if I remember correctly.

  7. hey buddy ,good to hear you haven't been transplanted yet, here is the good news there is nothing wrong you,you are playing a pathetic game in your head that only your playing,your 23 and you are literally thinking about moving your body hair to your head just to say you are not a bald guy, dude this is fucking INSANE,do you know who michael jordan is do you know who bruce willis is what about anderson silva dwayne johnson the rock, vin diesel mate i could keep going,you know what they all got in common a bald head and it looks sick better than anyone with hair,now before you cut your head up with a knife and paste fake hair into your bald spots, you need to go see a physciatrist because dude you are messed up and its only baldness man what if you had a real problem how the hell would you handle that.

    shave your hair off right now dude you will look great. dude i was bald at that age even younger i have had many hair transplant i have a 28 cm scar wrapped around my head and fake hair in the bald spots and I'm 29 and i shave the hair transplant off to be who i meant to be and i wear the scar instead of suspect looking hair at the front of my head, this has ruined my life don't let it happen to you,you know know one can give you perfect hair and if its not perfect it aint worth having,a shaved bald head looks great, don't let this problem get the best of you cause you don't have a problem if you get a hair transplant you are buying a problem,look at the pics on this site they are all noticeable,SHAVE YOUR HEAD AND BE A MAN.GET OFF PROPECIA TODAY IT SHRINKS YOUR TESTICLES AND LOWERS YOUR EJACULATION AND ITS NOT GOING TO STOP BALDNESS ANYWAY

    Who was your doctor?

  8. Thanks for the update. It is looking good for 2 months. How are you feeling about your HT so far?

    I feel fine. I'm still in the ugly duckling stage so there's not a whole lot of progress as should be expected. This isn't my first rodeo so I was pretty well prepared for the process and everything is going just as I expected so far. If I remember right your procedure is coming up soon right? If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message.

  9. naaa.... saw post#10, front hairline looks trimmed and theres is no visible grafts on the crown. Immediatly after the transplant you can see lot of ( ... ok atleast some.. )blood spots and fresh implanted grafts. I am not buying into the argument that the job was so clean that the grafts were invisible. As of now that technology is only with God..:)


    Believe whatever you want, you can see the work its just difficult. Look at the rest of his work, it all looks the same. So since the pics in post #10 say immediately post-op, are suggesting that the clinic is lying?

  10. How far post op is this patient? I know nothing of the case and without pictures it is impossible to assess the situation, but this kind of sounds like premature post op panic that we see everyday on these forums. A lot of people jump into a HT without really understanding the process, this sounds like it might be a case of that. However, I do also think it is the clinics job to make sure their patients are fully educated about the HT process. It sounds like you have done a lot to try and help the patient, and I hope you continue to do so in the future so that all parties are ultimately satisfied.

  11. It is beneficial to use after a transplant. Minoxidil is a vasodilator so it will increase blood flow to the recipient area which will increase healing and help with graft survival. Most surgeons suggest its use starting 2 weeks after a transplant and I don't see any reason not to use it. It's cheap compared to the cost of the transplant and might help speed up hair growth so why not use it.

  12. Eeek, can't take Finasteride! [cringe] And you've already had one HT so now you've got to stick with it or end up with a weird hair pattern when the rest falls out.... Ugh.


    Well, you're in it now I guess.... I am too, though, and joyously so. I'm about 29.5 years old, and about to do my 2nd HT in about a month or so. I don't even bother to hide mine. I see myself as a work in progress; I slowly upgrade and customize my body like some people do to their cars. I just let it show, and let people watch me evolve. They never fail to be impressed and surprised at the positive results.

    I dig your outlook! I share a somewhat similar philosophy I just don't have the balls to let it all hang out, lol

  13. Hi Dr. Glenn Charles, I respect your opinion, but you didn't mention if it was true or not? Is there a shorter life expectancy for transplanted hair? Thanks


    He answered your question:


    when they are not affiliated with a hair restoration clinic they tend to say negative things about hair transplantation. If they are telling you things that have been proven not to be true, I would have some serious concerns about the integrity of the clinic


    Cliffnotes= there isn't any know lifespan for transplanted hair.

  14. If stem cell therapy comes to fruition, it no doubt will be administered outside of the US. The more conservative congressional party still appears to be opposed to it and I do not see the current administration putting any legislative attention or research funding into it. It's simply not a priority to those legislators who can advance it into real clinical application.


    IMHO, HM is a different bird, and may be more viable in the immediate future. Who knows for sure. :rolleyes:


    At least there is far more research taking place than ever before and hopefully, not that far out.


    Currently, quality surgical restoration is still the most viable way to achieve the goal of visual coverage IMHO.


    I believe what you are referring to is embryonic stem cells which are very controversial, however stem cell research in terms of hair loss is centered around adult epithelial stem cells which have nothing to do with embryos.

  15. I believe that there is some validity to LLLT for wound healing and if a clinic offered it free of charge after a HT i would take advantage of it


    there are some studies pointing to the benefits of LLLT for wound healing:


    Low-Level Laser Therapy Facilitates Superficial Wound Healing in Humans: A Triple-Blind, Sham-Controlled Study

    An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

    Influence of low level laser therapy on wound healing and its biological action upon myofibroblasts - Medrado - 2003 - Lasers in Surgery and Medicine - Wiley Online Library


    I do believe, however, that there is zero benefit from LLLT in the treatment of MPB

  16. I received my ht by wmhc nearly a year ago. I rushed in due to a busy schedule and didnt do too much research. As far as my results go the jury is still out. The hair growth has been impressive, but I have a fairly noticable scar at this stage and have scheduled a revision appointment to fix it. They claimed a paper thin scar and are doing the revision and touching up the hairline based on their guarenteed work. The hairline is pretty natural looking imo. I think it could of been better, but not a whole lot to compare it to. Dr. Barry Cohen performed the surgury part and a team of technicians performed the planting of folicles.

    If interested I can go into much further detail, but overall I am not happy about having to return for another painful surgery. However, I understand these things happen. Hair is fairly short and with a barber who knows about the scar it is far from visable, but not the point it should of been. I would ideally like to go to a 2 guard. At a 4 now. But with all that said the results now are better than the alternative in my case.

    As far as Dr. Lindsey goes I have no knowledge of his work in the dc metro area.

    Search for posts by Dr. Lindsey on here he is one of the more active doctors, if I needed a scar revision I don't think there is anyone else I would go to. I think he is in Virginia. From my experience if you are unhappy with the results you received by a doctor it usually only gets worse if you go for round two. I would at least schedule a consult with Dr. Lindsey or email him some pics since he is in your area. Just my two cents

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