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Posts posted by DoctorWho

  1. I take fish oil, multivitamin (with B and E), grapeseed extract and drink green tea on a daily basis, which according to my research are blood thinners. when does one stop taking these supplements prior to HT (4 weeks, 2 weeks, or 7 days). I just want to know what the general consensus on this one? thanks..

  2. The yield depends on several things, one being the skill of the surgeon, another is your skin and hair quality. The 60% yield for FUE is a very harsh statistic and not very accurate, it's more along the line of 80-90% if done by a top surgeon, while FUT strip is about 95% and above in yield. The scar from the FUT is not very noticeable unless you shave your hair short, and is hidden well with a #3 on a razor setting once it heals. If you really don't want to have a scar FUE could be possible, as long as your doctor feels it's appropriate.


    So what type of skin/hair is best suited to get the best possible yield for FUE?

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