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Posts posted by markymark

  1. I wanted to give a 4 month update with the Fue procedure that I had with Dr. Armani in April. I know Dr. Armani isn't the most popular person on this website, so I'm a bit hesitant to even mention the name. Anyways, I had 2000 grafts done, all to my crown region (I'm 33 years old).


    My concern really has been with the look on my donor area. I like to keep my hair buzzed so having it look sparse obviously works against the look I wanted to maintain. That is what sold me on the FUE procedure!


    I find that the donor area is slowly thickening up, but I'm worried that I won't have the results I'm hoping for (and I'm not hoping for perfection, just something satisfactory)


    Has anyone else experienced this type of look in the donor area? I guess you would have to keep your hair somewhat short/buzzed to know what I'm talking about.


    Very Concerned



  2. So its been 11 weeks since my procedure. I had 2000 grafts done to my crown area. I'm really concerned with the density of my donor area. It's looking thin and not filling in like I thought it would. I would like to keep my hair short (that is why I got the FUE procedure) Here is a picture of my donor area. You can see the difference of where they took the hair from. A line/pattern really shows. Anyone else with a similar situation?


  3. Hello, I had a transplant done 30 days ago 2000 FUE, pretty much to my crown area. I like to buzz my hair and today I buzzed everything off to see what it would look like. I'm a bit worried because the donor area doesn't look great. It's kind of red and you can see a distinct difference from the hairs that were not touched. Is this premature for me to worry? Are my hair going to blend in well with the others at this short length? 1/16 inch

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